Chapter Thirty Two.

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Rylee's Pov

I never felt a love until I seen Leilani.

I never knew pain until I had her.

I watched as Austin rejoice about his baby girl. I even rubbed her soft, newborn skin.

She was perfect.

A monitor behind us started beeping. I quickly looked at Leilani's, but it wasn't hers. "Hurry, someone get this baby in the OR. Now!" A nurse screamed.

The nurse that had brought us in here got us out as quickly as possible. Even though that wasn't my child my anxiety rose so fast. She lead us to my room, and left us alone.

Of course you never think any of this would happen to you, but I just got to accept it and keep moving for her. I laid in the hospital bed with Austin by my side.

He looked happier, and less stressed. That was all that matter for me towards him. I leaned the bed all the way back.

"You're going to sleep?" Austin's attention was now on me. "No, just feeling really dizzy." I told him. My chest had a tight feeling, so it hurt to cough and that's all I had been doing this whole morning.

"You're not looking too good, babe." he stood up and walked over to me. "I'm.. I'm not feeling good." my coughing got deeper, and more painful.

"What's all wrong?" Austin begin to sound concerned, so I could only imagine how I looking comparing to how I actually feel.

"I jus- I just d-" My stomach felt tight, so did my chest. I couldn't even speak. My dizziness took over I tried to grab on to him, but blackness filled my eyes.


"What college you're planning on going to?" I looked at Austin while looking at all the college catalogs I had from the college fair we were forced to attend.

"I don't think I'm going." he said in a blunt tone. I figured he wasn't going to go he's been taking this fame career to the next level, so it's obvious he's serious about it.

"Really? You don't even want to go for just the hell of it? I mean, I can't wait to experience the college life." We sat down at our seats it was only five minutes until lunch, so the teacher let us talk till then.

"No, it's just not my thing. I plan on being famous as fuck and having any girl I want." he was so bold about his decisions I had even gotten a little jealous.

I didn't feel the need to say anything anymore, but only because I couldn't take him only wanting money, and girls. My perfect life would be with him right by me. I wish I could fight my feelings for him and end this all, but I just can't for some reason.

Austin walked over to Leah, the popular cheerleader. I glanced at them for awhile he had already begun making her blush. Not too much time passed by before he mouthed he was leaving.

His arm was around her neck, and her backpack was in his hand. Maybe he just wanted sex out of her, but even that makes me upset just thinking about it.

"You really gotta stop." Sandra said as she set down next to me. "If he doesn't see how amazing you are, then you can't sit around and wait for him too. If its's meant then he'll come around, not you." she hugged me.

I know her words were very true, but it didn't stop me from thinking about him, or even caring about him. The bell ranged for lunch, so we headed out to the crowded halls.

"Let me put these books in my locker before I go." I told Sandra. She shook her head and left for the cafeteria.

Before I turned my head back around to put the numbers into my lock I seen Bobby looking at me. Fuck I made eye contact. I turned around hoping he wouldn't come.

"Hey, Ry." he slowly said leaning against the other lockers. "Hi, Bobby." I placed my books in the locker thinking he would leave if I kept it opened for a long time, but he didn't.

"Just hear me out?" he asked.

Before I knew it one thing lead to another especially since his parents weren't home. I never considered myself as needy or naive. But, I didn't mind having fun every now and then.

He pulled up to the diner that Austin and I go to. "You never liked this place." I reminded Bobby. "Yeah, but you do. That's all that matters." he responded. I couldn't tell if he was flirting, being nice, or sarcastic.

We walked in and I let my eyes wonder to the booth me and Austin sits at regularly. There he was with Leah. I looked the opposite way and walked to another booth.

"So, what're you gonna eat, Ry." Bobby asked. "Don't call her that, Ry let me talk to you over here." Austin causes attention to us by how loud he had spoken.

I followed him outside, I knew this was going to be a loud, fun conversation. "What're you doing here with him?" he asked. "Are you trying to lecture me, Austin? If so, it's not gonna work." I tried standing my ground.

"Are you only here because i'm with his ex?" Austin looked at me like he could murder someone. I totally forgot they dated. "No, I'm here because I'm hungry. Problem?"

"Look, I don't like him." Austin tried justifying. "And I don't know Leah, but I clearly don't like her now." I placed my hand on my hips.

He grabbed my hand, "Well, let's leave then." He begin pulling me away. "Wait. What about them?" I asked. "They're losers. Forget them." He continues to pull me away and we left.

"What show are you going to watch. Please just pick one and stop scrolling." Austin complained. I stretched out on my bed finally deciding on a movie.

Two minutes in I looked at Austin who was laying on my lap sound asleep. He looked so peaceful sleeping. I leaned back to my position and smiled. Before I knew it I was sleep too.

"Rylee!" Austin yelled. "You had sex with him?!" he continued to scream. "What? What're you talking about? Why are you yelling?" I screamed back.

"That's what he texted you. Saying you fucked him then left." Austin's voice sounded broken, but he had no reason to. Why is he always putting me in this situation. One minute he acts like a friend, next a boyfriend, then like a pure enemy.

I couldn't speak, nor did I want to. "Guess it's true." he went to grab his stuff and headed towards the door. "Why do you even care?" I said quietly.

"Because I care about you." and with that he left.

Days had been getting longer, and lonelier. We only talked at school and graduation was okay, but it wasn't never like it was before.

He moved to California with his other friends and started a completely new life. I went off to college and was having the most stressful, fun time of my life. It would of been better with Austin, but everything happens for a reason.





I slowly opened my eyes. I seen nurses and a doctor above me. For some reason I could breath, and I didn't know where I was. I looked around me and seen different machines.

"She's awake." a nurse turned and looked to the doctor. "A lady smiled at me nicely then placed a mask covering my nose and mouth.

I begin getting sleepier quicker and quicker.

Darkness was here again.

a/n: i have so much work to do, but i'm gonna still update bc luv & appreciate u guys sm.

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