Chapter Eight.

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Of course, the weekend was here in no time. I lied and told Logan I was staying with a cousin for the weekend just because it'll be awkward telling him I was staying with Austin. I felt bad for lying, but I knew I wasn't going to do anything other than just hang out. I looked around the airport seeing if I noticed Austin. I was really hoping it was just him and no Allie. I wasn't sure I was going to deal with her during the morning time.

Buttercup: Hey, where are you?

Butterbean: Chick-fil-a. Come eat!

I made it to Chick-fil-a. He was with another guy, "This is James, James this is Rylee." Austin spoke while he was in between eating. I smiled and shook James's hand. "I ordered your usual." Austin spoke softly, "Wow, Post Malone remembered little ol me while ordering?" I was giving him a hard time then James spoke, "He has talked about you alllll the time. Ever since I met him." I turned and faced Austin. He's talked about me since he left, so I don't understand why he stopped talking to me these past couple of years. "So, how are you managing with one leg?" I asked him trying not to make things weird for all three of us. "Actually, no change. I'm still driving and everything. It's just showers that take me awhile. I like to take bubble baths now." I chuckled knowing that he was serious as can be.

The car ride was pretty much quiet other than the radio playing. We made it back to Austin's place and I was still astonished by his house, and his view. We walked in and was greeted by his dogs. I sat on the floor and played with them until I realized Austin was staring. "How can I help you?" I said while I was still talking in my doggy voice. I looked up at him which caused him to smile. "We have the entire day to do what you want. My dogs are gonna be here all day, every day. "What's there to do?" I asked him, secretly wanting him to choose the activities only because I didn't know what there was to do. "Aka, make the plans, right? It's lunchtime so I'm taking you to this great seafood place, maybe come back here, then to this carnival, eat again? Then maybe a movie?" "Sounds perfect. Take me to my room?"

He took me to the upstairs room that was across from his, jokingly I told him "I'd rather be downstairs closer to the kitchen." He didn't find it funny. Austin left me to settle in, so I change into blue jeans and a cute, blue off the shoulder shirt. I fixed my hair and did my makeup. I meet Austin downstairs where he was just playing around on his guitar. I jumped in front of him and started playing my air guitar, he focused his attention on me and stopped playing. "You ready?" He said while looking down at my body. This made me happy, only because I knew I was pretty and he made me feel even better. "What restaurant are we going to?" I asked midway into being there. He grabbed my hand while continuing to look at the road. "Trust me, you'll like it."

I felt like my heart melted inside my body and it was no where to be found.

After a few minutes, we made it to this restaurant that was next to the water. It was really nice and looked so expensive. Austin rushed over to the passenger side to open my door, this was a never. I continued to be quiet. I wasn't sure if I was enjoying this, or if I was weirded out by it. "Reservations for Austin Post." He spoke to the hostess, she looked at him and smiled, she must of recognized him. "And here we are, I'm sorry can I take a picture of us?" She asked him hope filling her eyes. Austin looked at me to make sure it was okay, I would never deny him of taking a picture or talking to a fan. We finally sat down and had our menus given to us. I stopped for a moment and looked out to the water, this place was stunning. "Austin, this place is so nice. I feel underdressed." I exclaimed to him. He looked up from his menu, "No, you're just right Buttercup." In this moment, I wanted to stop time and freak out, but it doesn't work that way. I had to be confident throughout this whole entire trip, but I'm starting off slow. He's just making me feel so special, but Logan does too and I have to remember that.

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