Chapter Thirty Five.

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Austin's Pov

"Baby? Someone's here for you." Rylee woke me up peacefully. I instantly got nervous I hadn't slept in a couple days, so getting sleep? That was a blessing.

"Who is it?" I raised up stretching. I looked over at Ry who was holding Leilani. "I don't know some guy with a package."

A smile grew on my face as I walked over to my two girls.

I kissed Rylee on the forehead, and took Leilani from her. "Hi, daddy's Lani bear." I said in my baby talk. She begin giggling filling my heart with happiness.

"Let's go see who's waiting on daddy while mommy takes a shower." I hinted to Rylee. She smelled her shirt, gagging.

"I didn't have time okay? She woke up at 4 this morning, and obviously loves throwing up on mommy." she explained.

I kissed her once more, "It's okay, just go take a shower stinky."

I made my way downstairs, and seen an old friend of mine on my couch. "What's up, man? I've been waiting for this moment since I called." I stated.

He handed me the package, "I know, but we had to make it real special." he stood up, shook my hand and I lead him out.

I hurry and hid the package in Leilani's closet where Rylee wouldn't be able to see or reach. I laid Lani in her crib so that I could change her diaper.

I watched as her small, beautiful hand wrap around my finger. My angel.

"Hey, what'd that guy want?" Rylee appeared from Lani's door with her wet hair wrapped in a towel. "Oh, nothing. Just giving me some details about this new manager I'm thinking about." I lied.

"How about dinner tonight?" I asked her. "Yeah, sure. It'll be nice to get out of the house." she replied. I found it a little amusing that she didn't even know her life was about to be a little different.

I picked Lani up, and followed Rylee downstairs. "I think coffee would be so good right now, want some?" she headed towards the kitchen.

I shook my head yes as I begin making silly faces to the baby.

I never thought so much joy could come from being a dad. I heard Rylee singing while making the coffee, and truly I don't think things could get better.

I've always told her she could be a singer, but she's never wanted this lifestyle. Just some how she still got wrapped up in it.

She handed me my cup of coffee, and sat next to me. "I'd like to go to New York some day." her thoughts spilled out loud.

"How about we go? Let's say, in a couple months when the baby is older?" I still have yet to show anyone the baby. This entire relationship/pregnancy/ birth has been extremely exhausting and upsetting.

Now that I finally have some happiness I'm scared to wonder out in public.

"I wish I could give you the world." I admired Rylee, her strength, dedication, forgiveness and love. "I don't want the world. I'm fine with just Lei and you." she giggled.

My phone begin vibrating on the table, "Hey Ry, I need to take that." I told her while sitting the coffee down and hanging Lani over to her.

I made my way outside to answer my dad's call. He had just landed, and was just calling me to let me know. This whole plan is going smooth right now, so I really hope we can finish the night off strong.

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