Chapter Twenty One.

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Austin's Pov

I waited to see if she'll answer it. I didn't want to be a crazy boyfriend already in the start of this new chapter.

"Are you gonna get that?" I asked trying to sound as normal as possible, but I really wanted to snatch it out of her hand and block him.

"No, but anyways when are you going back?" Her tone of voice was different, and I had this weird gut feeling that something was wrong. "I have to leave tomorrow morning, i have a concert that night in LA."

We made it to the car. I looked over at her in the passenger seat. I really did love Rylee, I always have. I just couldn't believe I spent all these years with other people when I could of had her.

"I love you, Ry." I told her while using one hand to steer, and the other hand to hold her hand.

"I love you way more, Aus." she said.


We made it home, and begin to relax for awhile. "Do you really have to go?" Rylee asked me, still playing with my fingers.

"You're not coming with?" I responded totally confused. "I can't, Austin. I have work." I looked at her crazy. "You can quit that shitty job of yours now, i'm here to spoil you two."

I sat there for a minute before telling her to go pack. I really would love for her to move in with me to my house in California, but I doubt she'll want to be far from her mom and my dad with the baby coming.

"Hey baby, Christmas is in 2 months!" Rylee shouted from her bedroom. I looked at my calendar, hmm it is. "I know, what if the baby comes early and is born on Christmas day."

"I hope not, i'm literally not prepared at all." "Well, let's go shopping this weekend, yeah?"

I walked into the room with her, grabbed her hand and forced her to lay down with me. I moved her face to look at me, "I love you." "I love you too, Austin but I know you're doing this for a reason."

Rylee rested her face in her palm, "So what is it?" Damn she knows me good. "I was just thinking what life would be like if we moved to California to my home?"

"But what about our parents? What if I need help while you're not there? I'm strong and everything, but this is my first time doing this." she admitted. It's true, but i'll figure something out.

About 2 hours later, we were ready for bed. Ry was already asleep, but my intuition was telling me that something was wrong.

Just as I reached over for my phone it begin to ring. I slid my arm from underneath Ry and stepped into the bathroom so she wouldn't hear me.

I answered my phone to hear my manager yelling. "Bro, what's going on calm down I can't understand anything you're saying." He told me to check my messages and hung up.

I did just that. I watched the video carefully..

What the fuck.

I ran out and woke Rylee up quick as possible. "Babe," she rubbed her eyes, but I wasted no time I begin taking our luggage to the car.

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