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One month later

Mina's POV

It has been a month I get pregnant.. Dad ask me not to go to office anymore.. he said he and  Momo will take care of it.. but I am so bored at home.. sometimes Sana come to company me..
But sometimes I get to the office stay with Momo even I get ignored by him because of work.. the news of Me and Momo already spread around the country.. Momo been reported to have 20% of shares in the company because dad secretly gave it to him..

And now people know him as a mysterious prince who is my boyfriend and unknown shareholder of the company.. people start to accept us being together as even still some of them who is being a hater to us because our fake marriage news.. and still have ongoing rumor that he used to be just my personal assistant.. not a rumor.. a fact.. but people just can't accept it..
We don't care abouf it anyway..
Today.. I have an appointment with Tzuyu.. for checking our baby.. Momo said he is busy.. but still he is really sweet to me.. he send me there.. even he always on his phone or his files..

"Okay.. done checking your little baby" Tzuyu said as I move to the seat from the bed...
Momo still on his phone while looking at the files..
"He is busy.. you have to understand him" Tzuyu said
"I always understand him.. but he is the one who being so perfect and sweet to me" I said
"Mina.. I wanna ask something.. this is so privacy for you guys.. but.. I am your Doctor I so I will just tell you" Tzuyu said as Momo suddenly come and ait beside me..
"Sorry, the phone call" Momo said as Tzuyu nodded..
"So how is it?" Momo asked as he grab my hand.. hold me and smile to me sweetly..

"It is good.. nothing wrong.. everything just fine.. and Mina just have to keep her food healthy.. and should having fun more.." Tzuyu said
"Yeah, I am having fun playing games" I said
"No I mean maybe you guys can planned to having a date.. picnic.. or short trip" Tzuyu said
"So no stress will develop from Mina to the baby"  Tzuyu continue as Momo sighed..
"I will free up my schedule for that" he said
"Its okay.. you don't have too" I said
"Ugh no.. I miss having fun with you too" he said as I hugs him..
"And... since the baby is developing inside.. the second until fourth month.. please.. don't do it" Tzuyu said as we both look at him with weird expression..
"What do you mean?" Momo asked
"Sex, no sex.. in first trisemester of pregnancy.. after first trisemester.. we will have a detail check up again.. will inform you if you can do it or not" Tzuyu said as I let Momo go..

"Why you guys talking about this" I said
"Cause we are man.. we have our needs too" Tzuyu said as Momo giggled..
"Okay.. I wish I could wait for it" Momo said as I hit him..
"Arghh.. Mina.. it hurts" he whines.
"What do you mean you wish?" I asked as he grab my hand..
"I am kidding.. don't be mad" he said as he pecks my lips..
"Anyway, you guys.. should be preparing for marriage.. soon.. maybe next month.. Mina's tummy will get bigger soon.. have you disscuss with Mr. Myoui?" Tzuyu asked us
"No I haven't" Mina said

"We have.. I am about to tell you.. it will be next month.. so your dad and I already preparing things.." Momo said
"Why you didn't told me?" I said
"Your dad is the one who keep it first.. we will as your sister to help you later for the wedding things you want" Momo said
"Yeah.. is the best that Mina not being exhausted.. cause the baby still sensitive.. should take care of it well" Tzuyu said as Momo stroke my hair..
"We will talk about it later, okay?" Momo look at me and smile..

"So, I need to go back to office.. thanks Tzuyu" Momo said as I hold his hand..
"Oppa, I am hungry.. lets have a lunch first" I said as he stops and hold his steps while he looks at Tzuyu..
"Kekekeke.. okay okay.. she eats alot now.." Momo said as he giggled teasing me..
"Yaa, you eat alot too.. I eat alot because I have Mini Momo inside me" I said
"Mini Momo or Mini Mina?" Momo said as he places his hand on my tummy..
"Mini Mimo" Tzuyu said as we both look at him
"We expect a twin" Momo said
"Wow.. why not a triplet?.. Mimo Momi Mona" Tzuyu said
"Oh gosh.. I can't imagine that" I said as Momo pecks my lips..
"I thought you want alot of children" he tease me.
"Because you want it" I said as Tzuyu shush us
"Sssttt.. don't get fight.. now go feed your baby" he said as Momo wrap his hand around my waist as we walk out the room.. and go having a lunch together..

To be continued...

Will update soon 😉

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