Three months

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"If you want to compose and produce better songs then you need to pay attention," Yoongi clicked his fingers in front of your face. It's almost been three months since you have started working. When Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok were working on some songs with the other producers, you saw that everyone was so serious about it. So serious that it intimidated you since you can't work in an atmosphere like that. However, Hoseok tried to help you relax by telling you things about the members and Yoongi.

You scowled, pushing his hand out of your face, "I am paying attention."

You've always known that Yoongi really loves music and his career more than anything. He dedicates all his time to making new and better music for his fans and for others. You know that your love for music cannot be compared with his.

"If you improve then I might even let you work on something with me."

At those words, your eyes went to him to see if he was serious or just messing with you. When you saw that he was serious, you said excitedly, "Really?! You promise?!"

Yoongi's eyes rolled. "Yes, now pay attention. You might not like this kind of style but that doesn't mean you don't touch it. A true musician listens to ALL type of style and they work with it. You get me?"

You nodded and got to work, not seeing a small smile on Yoongi's lips. 

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