Telling the members

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I'm finally back home. Why are you not here?

Yoongi's heart was racing when he heard your voice. Yoongi's grip on his phone tightened. He didn't know that you were back since he only made his decision now. He had planned to find you and talk things out with you. The fact that you were already home made him nervous.

Not like I can do anything about it, Yoongi thought to himself.

"Where's Taehyung?" Yoongi asked as the members were getting ready to head back home. He wanted to spend some time with you alone and sort things out.

"He went back to the company," Jimin replied. "He needed to drop something off."

"Ah, I think it's that new piece," Jungkook said in agreement. "I heard him mention something about it. He might want to hear his song and finalise it."

"Did you need him or something?" Seokjin asked, waving his phone, "I can call him? Taehyung mentioned he wanted to hang with some friends afterwards too."

"I've made my decision," Yoongi said quietly.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at him.

"About Y/N," Yoongi eyed them in the eyes. "I'll talk to Taehyung about it too."

"I guess this means you've decided to go after Y/N then?" Jimin smiled.

Yoongi nodded.

Hoseok grinned. "About time you realise that you like her too."

Yoongi sighed, "Yeah. Sorry for causing all of you trouble all this time. I'll fix things and make it right."

Yoongi's eyes went to Namjoon who smiled at Yoongi, "You're going to have to make things right with Y/N first."

"Why do you say that?" Yoongi blinked in confusion.

"You'll find out," Seokjin rested his elbow on Yoongi's shoulder and smirked. "This is Y/N we're talking about." 

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