Right thing to do

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"He left the area and went after Y/N," Namjoon said as the members gathered around.

"Just before we start filming?" Jungkook scowled as his eyes stay trained on his phone. "What is he thinking?"

"Y/N didn't look good," Jimin said quietly.

Seokjin shot a glare Yoongi's way. "What did you say to her? We all heard you yelling from inside."

Yoongi said nothing.

Hoseok sighed loudly. "Hyung, you..."

It was the right thing to do, wasn't it? Yoongi thought to himself.

"Taehyung said he'll make it in time," Jungkook said, looking up from his phone.

"Good," Namjoon replied, eyes on Yoongi. 

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