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"I don't care about you. Not one bit. But he will."

You looked up at Yoongi, confused. "What?"

You were lying down on Yoongi's bed and sat up when you heard him say that. "Is something wrong?"

He shook his head. "That's what I was meant to tell you, Y/N."

"I don't understand..."

"Let's be honest," Yoongi sat down beside you and stared down at you. "I'm not the kind of man you'd want to date. I know women wants to go on dates, hold hands and do all that lovey-dovey stuff. I'm not that kind of person." He sighed. "I'm always working. I love my job and I invest all my time in that job. To be honest, I thought it would be better if you were to date Taehyung since he will be able to give you all those things women seem to want."


He eyed you wearily. "You do know that he likes you, don't you?"

"He doesn't really hide it," you mumbled.

Yoongi shrugged. "I can't do anything about my situation though. I can try making time for you and spending time with you now and then. However, I need to know what kind of relationship you're getting yourself into."

"I know what kind of person you are," you yawned and looked at the clock. Damn, it's already 2 a.m. You glanced back at Yoongi. "It doesn't bother me, really."

He gave you a 'really' look.

"Maybe just a bit," you admit. "but hey, I understand. Your job is important to you so I will do my best to support you."

"And if I can't make time for you?"

"I'll just sulk and be dramatic for a few days," you shrugged and smiled up at him. "But I will get over it. Eventually."

Yoongi chuckled. "Good."


You looked sideways and saw Yoongi staring intensely into the air. He looked like he had so many things on his mind. 

Suddenly, he turned you around to face him and placed both his large hands on your shoulders, eyes serious. "I need to talk to Taehyung first."

You nodded, quietly.

Yoongi seemed troubled and you understood why.

"Do you think he knew about us?" you asked quietly.

"Taehyung is sharp," Yoongi replied, ruffling your hair. "He knows. Either way I still need to talk it out with him." 

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