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Yoongi laid on his bed, looking over at the clock every now and then.

"She's late again," Yoongi sighed loudly. "I won't be able to stay up for long."

He's been working all day long and had wanted to wait up for you. You texted him before and told him you were going to be late since you've got heaps of other things to catch up on.

"I must really love her," Yoongi laid back down again, eyes to the ceiling.

Usually I'd be asleep by now, Yoongi thought to himself, almost laughing. Like he'd ever waited for anyone. He cared about the members but when they are working late, he never cared to stay up and wait for them and instead went to bed first.

His thoughts went to Taehyung for a moment. Yoongi thought about when would be a good time to talk to him. He didn't want to drag the situation and make things worst for the other members but he wanted to find the right time to talk to Taehyung.

Upon hearing the door open and closed, Yoongi sat up again, all thoughts of Taehyung vanished.

"Y/N, you're back?" Yoongi called out.

You didn't answer and just stared off into space.

Yoongi walked out of his room and was about to say something but stopped when he saw you. "What's wrong?"

You smiled, "Nothing."

"Don't lie."

"I'm just really tired," you said with a yawn.

"Have you eaten?" Yoongi asked, eyes still on you.

You nodded.


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