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It's been a week and you've not been yourself. Did you perhaps lead Taehyung on unintentionally? Will things not work out between the three of you? Should you even be happy while Taehyung's is hurting somewhere?

Questions came after one another and you couldn't sleep or eat properly. Yoongi's been keeping a close eye on you but haven't said much.

The members were also keeping a distance too and it made you wonder why.

If I'd not come here... will things be better? You thought to yourself, feeling down.

You glanced at your phone and saw that Taehyung hasn't message you. You have no idea if he was talking to the other members or not too.

Even though Yoongi's been quiet, you know he's worried too.

"What have I done?" you whispered to yourself.



"He's having a hard time with our relationship but I'm struggling here too," Yoongi said to Seokjin. "Y/N's been quiet since he left."

Although he sounded frustrated, Seokjin saw that he's really worried about Taehyung. The rest of the members were but especially Yoongi. This was one of the reasons why they all decided to keep it a secrect but Yoongi found out anyways.

"How could he just leave like that?"

"Yoongi," Seokjin said.

Yoongi looked at him.

Seokjin's face softened. "You really love her, don't you?"

"You think I don't?"

"You won't give her up, will you?"

Yoongi looked away for a brief moment and looked back at Seokjin. Seokjin saw the slight hesitation and felt a little relieved. That was the Yoongi he knew. The one who's willing to put others before himself. It made Seokjin and the others worried because they knew he'll keep everything to himself just so that he won't worry the others.

"I said I was fine without her," Yoongi said quietly. "But I was in pain the whole time."

Seokjin looked at him for a beat and smiled. "Guess it's time I talk to the others then." 

"You will?" 

Seokjin pulled out his phone and nodded. "I'll call the others. By the way, how did Y/N find out?" 

"She overheard Jimin and Jungkook talking." 

Seokjin smiled, "I'll spank their asses then." 

Yoongi laughed softly. 


You looked down at your phone and saw that you got a message from Yoongi.

I'll take care of it so eat something.

You smiled, feeling guilty for not properly taking care of yourself. Yoongi had noticed and was keep quiet for a reason. You decided not to think about Taehyung for a while because you believe in his friendship with Yoongi and Yoongi's with him.

With a soft sigh, you typed back, I love you. 

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