Yoongi's thoughts

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Then one night when the members were out celebrating, Yoongi decided he didn't want to go and that he wanted to sleep. That was the night that something big happened between you two. It was after Yoongi and you were yelling at one another before he kissed you and then one thing led to another.

It was later on that Yoongi got up, running his hands down his face, sighing. He glanced back and saw that you were still asleep.

"You became someone important to me too," Yoongi said quietly. It was a shame that you cannot hear what he was saying.

"I don't like you at all. Not one bit. That's what I told myself."

Yoongi stared down at you who was out and sighed. "Seriously, who am I kidding?"

Even he knows that it was all lies. He had thought that it was good to give you up after hearing Taehyung tell a friend about it over the phone that time. Yoongi had seen the way Taehyung talked about you and how excited he gets when you're around. Hurt and jealous, he didn't know what to do about his feelings. In the end, he decided to steer clear and just let Taehyung have you. Maybe it was selfish of him to do so, but to him it was the right thing to do. It wasn't because Taehyung was younger than him but because deep down, he knows that Taehyung and you had so many similarities and therefore, you two will be able to relate to one another and make things work. Yoongi was someone who kept everything to himself and he knows that because of that, it will only hurt you in the end. There were plenty of girls out there, right? Even if he was to lose you to Taehyung, he'd still have you two as friends.

Unfortunately, it was easier said than done.

"What have I done?" Yoongi groaned, getting up and putting his shirt on, glancing down at you again. He pulled the covers up to cover you before walking out of the room. 

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