04 | N E R V O U S

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It was finally Tuesday and River's heart was beating unevenly in her chest

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It was finally Tuesday and River's heart was beating unevenly in her chest. The whole time she was at school, she had been too anxious to do her work properly.

While Vince was driving her home, she sat in the back taking deep breaths to stop from panicking. Her hands were sweaty and she constantly run her hands over her pleated school skirt that came just about her knees. She would then fidget with her school tie and the buttons on her blazer.

All too soon, Vince pulled up to her house and River's eyes immediately zoned in on the foreign car parked in the second parking spot. She stopped breathing when she realized they were already there.

"Vince," she whimpered. "I'm nervous. They won't like me, i already know it."

Vince turned around in his seat and gave her a sympathetic smile. "I'm sure they will little River. How could they not?"

He got out of the car and opened the door for River and patiently waited for her to finally get out. After three and half minutes, she finally climbed out and swung her jansport over her shoulder.

She began to walk but then stopped halfway to the door, obviously stalling. River tediously re-tied the laces on her black vans that she chose to wear instead of school shoes.

If her mom noticed she wore vans instead of proper school shoes, she would have a literal heart attack. And then she'd be in a lot of trouble. River knew she could get away with wearing them because her mom was hardly around in the mornings so she couldn't see them and scold her for it.

River then evened out her white knee socks and made sure they were high enough. She made sure the buttons on her blazer were in the right places and then checked her tie to make sure it was straight.

Just as she was smoothing out her skirt and her dark hair, Vince placed a hand at the small of her back and led her to the door to keep her from stalling any further. He promised her parents he'd have her home at an appropriate time and he'd just given River six extra minutes.

At the door, River was about to knock but then she remembered that she was at her own house and so she hesitantly pushed open the large wooden door. Inside she could hear her father talking as soon as she got into the dining room.

She slowly made her way into the living room with light steps. Right before she stepped in, she peaked her head around the door frame and her eyes drifted carefully over the five people in the living room.

No one seemed to notice her, well all except a very tall, intimidating young man with icy blue eyes.

River immediately flinched back when they met each others gaze and she dissapeared back behind the wall.

Is that the man im marrying? I thought he would be older and uglier and greasier and... fatter. I shouldn't have judged something i did not know of.

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