29 | A L R I G H T

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When River woke up, Hayze wasn't in bed with her like he had been for the past two weeks

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When River woke up, Hayze wasn't in bed with her like he had been for the past two weeks. She sighed and then stretched her limbs out with a little yawn.

Once she was feeling fresh after brushing her teeth and hair, she slipped into her knee socks because her toes were feeling quite cold and then she went downstairs.

When she walked into the kitchen, the fresh smell of fruit and bread wafted into her nose and she felt herself salivating.

"Good morning, bella rosa. Come sit." River looked up at Hayze who was standing shirtless over the stove with a cloth over his shoulder and his hair damp and falling over the side of his head. She was drooling a lot more now.

"Morning," she sighed. "Whatever you're cooking smells good."

"I have fresh strawberries and a breakfast casserole," he said as he placed a small white bowl down in front of her with really bright red strawberries in it.

She bit into the strawberry and hummed in delight at how juicy it was. "Yummy," she mumbled through a mouthful of strawberry.

Hayze chuckled and leaned over to place two plates of his steaming breakfast casserole down before he got a pitcher of water and lemon from the fridge.

When he came around her side of the island, River squealed and smacked her hands over her eyes.

There was a faint laugh in front of her as he sat down. "What's wrong, baby girl?"

She blushed hard into her hands and bit her lip. "I-i can see your very big pri-privates through the pants i got you."

He chuckled. "You were asking for it when you got me these pants. And im glad you think im very big." Suddenly there was a hand slowly pulling her fingers away from her eyes. "You can look if you want. Its for you and soon its going to be inside you," he smirked.

Her eyes widened and she shifted in her seat as she felt a wetness flood her panties.

"Now eat before it gets cold."


River held her snake and admired it as it calmly slid around her hand and up to her elbow. She giggled as it leaned into the air and smelled the air with its tongue before slithering up her arm and under her long hair.

She jumped as Hayze's muscular arms wrapped around her. "Hey, you scared Kiko."

He laughed quietly and kissed the back of her neck, grimacing when he realized Kiko had probably slithered along there at some point. "Kiko or you?"

She pulled away and gently put Kiko back in his cage. "That breakfast thing was really good."

"Thank you."

《S E X U A L  C O N T E N T》

She turned around and stumbled back. "Can you put some boxers on or something. I can still see it."

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