12 | C O N F E S S

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Happiness. This was a feeling Hayze felt every time he was anywhere near River-rose. He was beyond excited to be spending the morning with her. Even if they were only spending their time shopping.

"This mug is really nice. You should get it," River said as she picked it up from the front. It was black with gold fancy writing. He nodded and then looked more closely at it.

"What?" He stepped back as she smiled sheepishly at him. The words 'Hayze's Morning Coffee' were scrawled across it in neat gold calligraphy. "How did you do that? W-why?"

"I called in to have it done this morning. And I got it because you're so nice to me."

How precious

He couldn't seem to help himself when he leaned down, grabbed her face and pressed a kiss to her forehead. His lips lingered there until he began to smile against her skin.

She gasped and pulled back, in awe with the little smile on his face. "Are you smiling?" She asked with her own bright smile as she poked his strong jaw. He shook his head at how adorable she was. "You are! Ohmygosh, wait." She quickly pulled out a little lavender polaroid camera out of her little backpack that he had bought for her earlier that morning and she snapped a quick picture of him.

Usually, he hated having his picture taken, but now; he didn't even mind. Not even a bit. In fact, he was over the moon that River was comfortable enough around him to smile, joke and take pictures of him.

"You like it?" she asked as she held up the mug.

He nodded. "Si. Rosa carina."

(Yes. Cute girl.)

She obviously didn't exactly know what he had said but she still smiled and blushed.

He took her soft, small hand and pressed two kisses to the back of it. She responded with melodic laughter and a brighter blush.

"Cozi presioso," he whispered.

(So precious)

She tilted her head cutely and he knew this would be something he would never get tired of seeing.

"What else do you want to get, River?" He asked as he began walking and she had to practically jog to catch up to him and walk by his side. He slowed down and placed a hand at the small of her back to which she blushed but didn't pull away.

She shook her head. "No, no more. You've already gotten me the camera and the bean bags for my room."

He tugged her into his side and dipped his head to press a kiss to the top of her head. "You're my wife and I want to spoil you today. Is that okay?"

Hesitantly she nodded. "But, I don't really feel like I should be picking out any more things."

"Alright then. I'll pick things out for you."

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