36 | N A U G H T Y

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A growl of frustration rang through the large office

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A growl of frustration rang through the large office. Hayze shook his head in disbeleif before swiveling over to his graphics tablet.

When no inspiration came to him he threw his head back and ran his fingers through his hair like he always did when he was feeling frustrated.

He was hungry, angry and he couldn't think straight.

He quickly wheeled his chair over to the phone to make a call; but like an angel, the one person he really needed walked through the door.

"Grazie a Dio sei qui," he exclaimed.

(Thank God you are here)

River walked in with a smile that lit up the room and she wiggled a bag of food around.

"I brought a wrap and some sweets," she said as she made her way to his desk.

"Grazie, bella rosa," he said as he picked the bag out of her hand and ruffled through it.

He hungrily unwrapped and bit into the delicious wrap she brought him while she just watched in amusement.

"Come sit over here, in front of me so the desk isn't in the way," he said before taking another bite of his wrap.

She walked around the desk and he playfully whistled at her as he scanned her body.

《S e x u a l  c o n t e n t》
(A/N - sorry, i know its a lot of this in here. But what can i say, these two are practically obsessed with eachother.
If you're getting tired of it, which honestly i am but these are pre-written, they'll start slowing down in a bit. Promise)

"You're cute butt is looking extra perky today in that business skirt." He placed down his wrap and stood up as she sat on the desk. "But you've gotta put those low cut shirts way. Those..." he leaned down and kissed each breast. "Are only for me to see."

She giggled and tangled her hands in his hair as he leaned down to kiss her.

She eagerly kissed him back and his hand slowly slid up her skirt to brush over her center.

He smiled against her lips. "Such a bad girl. Not wearing panties to work," he tsked. "And you're already wet for me."

He playfully nipped at her bottom lip and then pulled her off of the desk. She stumbled into him and her chest pressed against his abdomen.

"Go lock the door, pretty girl."

She bit her lip and did as he said before making her way back. He looked down at her with a little meischevious smile and tucked some of her free dark strands behind her ear.

He slowly slipped the skirt off of her and she squealed.

"We can't do this here," she panted as he kissed a trail up the inside of her thigh.

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