16 | C H O O S E

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A tie was was thrown onto Hayze's bed, followed by his cuff links and his dress shirt

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A tie was was thrown onto Hayze's bed, followed by his cuff links and his dress shirt.

He sighed and cracked his neck and shoulders before getting out some comfortable clothes. It had been a long day.

Before he went to get his shower, he decided he wanted to go and see River-rose and maybe sneak a kiss or two.

He made his way down the stairs, calling out for her. Instead of finding River, he found Vito.

"Have you seen my wife?"

"She's in her room. She said she was tired or something."

Hayze was slightly shocked. River was usually outside or playing with Blue in the living room at this time.

"Okay, thank you."

Vito nodded and went back into the kitchen to finish with whatever he was doing.

Hayze came up to her door which now had her name painted across it in gold paint. He knocked and when he heard no answer, he figured she was sleeping and decided he didn't want to disrupt her sleep.

Just as he was walking away, he heard a crash come from her room. He slammed the door opened and his eyes zoned in on River who was slumped against her vanity table.

"River! La mia povera bambina! Whats wrong?"

(My poor baby girl)

"Vito!" He panicked as he gently lifted her up. Her small body was limp and pale. "Porta il kit di pronto soccorso e il ghiacco!" He shouted.

(Bring the first aid kit and ice!)

"Chi ti ha fatto questo, bella rosa? When i find out, i will personally beat them until their paralyzed," he said as placed her down on her bed and stroked her hair.

(Who did this to you, pretty rose?)

His eyes scanned over the bruises on her neck and immediately he knew who'd done this to her.

How could she go back to him after i told her not to? I thought i was keeping her happy

Vito came in with the first aid kit and ice, the confusion clear on his face. "Wha-" He froze and scratched his head. "Did she pass out? What are those marks on her neck." He neared the bed and placed the stuff on it before putting a hand on Hayze's shoulder who looked like he would spontaneously combust. River had found a place in Vito's heart and he had quickly learned to care for her like his own daughter. 

"Her 'boyfriend' did this to her. I can't believe she went back to him after I've given her the attentions she's desired," Hayze ranted as he stood up and paced around the room. "How could she d-"

"Well hold on a second Hayze, what would make her 'boyfriend' so angry with her to beat her like this? You don't know the reason for her going there. You should hear what she has to say," Vito said as he began icing the swelling on River's pale cheek. "I could hardly believe this sweet girl would go behind your back after everything you've done for her."

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