39 | N I T A L I A

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River-rose was on her stomach on Hayze's bed as she scrolled trough her phone when she felt a sudden sting on her butt

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River-rose was on her stomach on Hayze's bed as she scrolled trough her phone when she felt a sudden sting on her butt.

She yelped and turned around only to see Hayze standing there in all his muscular glory with a cheeky smile on his face.

"You're home," she said as she watched him strip out of his suit, all the way down to his boxers. She began to feel a familiar wetness in her panties and she squirmed uncomfortably.

Hayze crawled into the bed and flipped her back onto her stomach before pushing her underwear aside and kissing the soft skin of her bum.

"What are you doing?" She giggled as he began to nip and suck at her skin.

She gasped as he suddenly smacked her bum and then grasped what he could fit in his hand. Hayze gently flipped her over onto her back before coming over and pecking her lips.

"I've been waiting all day to see you," he said, before sucking on the skin of her neck. She threw her head back and moaned quietly. "Ever since you sent me that picture of you in the new underwear set i got you, i've been hard."

She yelped as he suddenly yanked her underwear off and he buried his head between her legs. He began lapping up her arousal and she bit her lip to stop herself from giggling and moaning at the same time.

"Hayze," she gasped as his toungue circled around. "Vito is here. And Nani and Rudi will be here soon too."

She moaned and gripped his hair in her hands as she felt her stomach tighten up.

"Come babygirl. Give me my dessert," he whispered, his warm breath wafting over her.

He gave one more lick and she came with a whimper to which he eagerly lapped her arousal up.

"You taste so good," he groaned as he lifted his head.

He lifted her legs up to her chest and praised her for being so flexible.

She looked up at him and smiled lightly as he looked at her with his icy blue eyes full of passion. Suddenly she felt him teasing her entrance, running himself up and down her glistening folds.

"You're tiny little p~ssy is so wet for me. Have you been thinking of me today too?"

She nodded and brought her knees closer to her chest as Hayze postioned his musclar body between her legs.

She cried out when he pushed himself in, her walls stretching to accomadate him. Everytime she took him, it never seemed any better. He was always just so big.

He grunted as pushed her legs further to her chest and he slid in deeper. "This is mines," he said as he slid back and then thrusted in again. "A Dio, you're so tight."

She peeled her eyes open to look at him as he hovered above her, covering her whole body with his large one. His adams apple was bobbing and his face was dewy.

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