08 | H E S I T A N T

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Little did River-rose know, she wasn't as alone as she felt

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Little did River-rose know, she wasn't as alone as she felt. Hayze had been sitting against her door every night for three nights as she cried herself to sleep.

In a way, it was a form of torture for him because he felt so guilty for taking her away from her boyfriend and her family. The fact that he couldn't just barge into her room and comfort her at night frustrated him beyond belief. So instead, he just sat outside her room until she finally fell asleep or ran out of tears.

He, for some strange reason, couldn't fall asleep until he knew his Rose had finally closed her eyes. Once he was sure she was sleeping, he'd go to his room and collapse into a light sleep. His mind was never really resting though. He was always alert and aware. He didn't know why, thats just how it was.

Sometimes, River would hope to see him because she hadn't seen him since the night they had gotten married. She was feeling so isolated and alone that she would slip her wedding ring on and off her finger, imagining it was him brushing his finger tips over her skin.

She wanted to see him in all his tall, slightly intimdating glory. She wanted to be looked at like she was beautiful with those entrancing icy blue eyes. She wanted to be touched (in an innocent way of course) by his big, rough but gentle hands.

When Nico started to make his way into her mind, she began to feel guilty about her previous thoughts so she tried to think up the same things with him filling those spots. It just wasn't the same.

River never saw Hayze, but he saw her. He watched her roam the dead garden which he never went into anymore. She looked so small, beautiful and innocent as he watched her run around the browning garden, plucking dead roses and trailing behind butterflies. He wondered what she found so intriguing about this particular garden when there were two perfectly live ones she could play in around their home.

He admired her naturally wavy, black hair that fell to her butt and her flushed face from the window of his private study. He took in her strange choice of clothing. It was something he hadn't really seen before, but it fit her so well.

She wore a fitted sports jersey under a skater skirt that fell to middle of her thighs with suspenders. Sometimes she'd wear highwasted pants with multiple buttons and big pockets. He'd notice her put things into the pockets sometimes but he never really knew what those things were because he was too far away.

She wore knee socks and some type of flat sneakers along with them. Sometimes, she'd put her hair into two french braids that fell all the way down to her waist and sometimes she'd put her hair in two high buns to get her hair off her neck.

Whatever she wore and whatever she did had him entranced and sometimes he'd just want to run down there and kiss her but he couldn't. He had to remind himself that he couldn't because she didn't care for him the way he did for her. She had someone else that she cared for.

Hayze would sometimes be extremely upset when he'd find her crying and quietly asking Nico to forgive her over what he thought was the phone. He soon realized she was talking to herself and that she was literally drowning in guilt and lonliness.

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