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Woah, okay, wow. Hey!

So you're reading this right now, which means you've gotten to the end of my book - and thank you for that. I hope you realize how much i appreciate all the votes and sweet comments.

There have been times when i was nervous to post a certain chapter because i thought it would seem strange to you guys. But then i'd get mutiple votes or a comment on it and it motivated me to keep going. So thank you. Honestly.

When i first started this book, it was more for fun and practicing and developing characters rather than sharing a message. But then i started getting comments where the person was actually affected or it was making a slight difference - it blew my mind and made me smile.

If there are things you and me should take from my book, its that:

🌻 Love takes time
🌻 There will be conflict - don't go into a relationship expecting perfection
🌻 Even if you feel bad for the person, you have to look out for yourself. Don't stay if this is jeapordizing your safety, physically and mentally
🌻 Communication and respect are what keep the relationship alive

I never thought i'd be writing a book using my own opinions and things i've learned from observing. And i never thought i'd learn something either.

Once again, thank you so much for getting to the end of my book. And though this is the end of the book - this isn't the end of River and Hayze's story.


If you guys want to see what life is like for them with a baby, i've gotchu.

The book will be posted soon if i get enough feedback on this A/N

I've got a lot of exciting stuff hidden away besides just that book. So if you want, you can follow me so you can get notifs for all the stuff i'm working on.

Thank you! Have a good week

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