22 | T I R E D

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Hayze was beyond exausted when he came home after running between projects and sitting at a desk in a room with annoyingly bright lights

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Hayze was beyond exausted when he came home after running between projects and sitting at a desk in a room with annoyingly bright lights. But he knew if the lights weren't bright, he would get sleepy while he worked. And he didn't want that happening.

He also knew he had to invest in better seats that would promote good posture because his back was killing him and he was only twenty four.

Blue greeted him at the door as he took off his shoes, bouncing around happily, eager to be petted. All Hayze could offer was a few scratches behind his ears before his bed started calling out to him.

He slid his socked feet over the floor and up the stairs slowly. Once he made it up the stairs, he turned to the right. The hallways seemed extra long to get to his bedroom and it seemed like every step he took, another foot was added onto the hallway.

A door clicking opened made him stop for a second. He barely processed the short, long haired thing running towards him before she was jumping on him. He stumbled back in surprise and tiredness as she locked her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist.

Even though he was tired, he was still aware of how cute River was. The way she was pressed up against him made his bulge in his pants grow slightly.

"Hey, pretty girl," he said softly, stifling a yawn as she pulled back to look at him. "Did you miss me?"

"Y-yes." She swept her delicate fingers under his eyes. "You're tired?"

"A bit." He yawned big and River covered his mouth with her small hands.

"Can i take care of you this time, then?" River asked as she ran her hand over the bit of stubble growing in.

He looked at her with a small, tired smile. "You want to take care of me?"

"Yes," she nodded.

He set her down onto her feet and kissed her forehead. "Sure. I'm going to get my shower now."

She smiled brightly before scurrying off down the stairs, her long french braids bouncing against her back. Her small, bare feet hardly made any noise as she made her way down. Hayze quickly took one last look at her behind and groaned as she waved before dissapearing.

He shook his head in amusement before going into his room and grabbing a towel. He went into his connected bathroom and stripped before turning the shower onto a cool setting.

He stepped under the shower and let his head fall back as the water hit his face and neck, soaking the rest of his aching body.


《S E X U A L  C O N T E N T》

Images of River in that cute underwear set had Hayze hardening up despite the fact that he was exausted.

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