27 | M O R N I N G

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8 days later

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8 days later

River whimpered quietly when she felt something a bit hard between her legs. When she heard a groan come from beside her, she peaked her eyes open and then giggled at the sight of Hayze who seemed to be mumbling in his sleep.

Slowly, she admired every detail of his handsome face. His long, dark eyelashes. His well shaped eyebrows. His slightly hollowed cheeks and his sharp jaw which was starting to grow in a little stubble.

A little dent was above his eyebrow as well as a tiny gap in his actual thick eyebrows. It gave him his ruggedly handsome 'i have been through some stuff' look.

His lips were weirdly plump but they molded right with hers and they were soft so River couldn't complain.

River gasped when she felt the hardness touching her leg again. She peaked under the blankets and noticed the bulge in Hayze's pants.

She had to stifle a giggle at how naughty it felt to be sneaking a look at her husbands crotch.

She stared back at his peaceful face and bit her lip when she could have sworn she saw her name escape his lips in a silent whisper.

She quickly scrambled out bed and quietly made her way to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. She then put on a short pearl silk nightdress before pulling her hair up into a ponytail with a few loose strands in the front.

After she felt fresher, she made her way back into bed beside Hayze who was just starting to wake up.

He let out a little puff of air before sitting up and cracking his back and neck. He then leaned over and pressed a kiss to River's temple.

"Good morning, Hayze," she smiled.

"Good morning, pretty girl. You seem to be in a good mood," he said as he stretched his arms over his head revealing his very toned abdomen from under his thin white t-shirt.

"I am," she said as she sat up.

His eyes widened when the covers dropped from around her. "You weren't wearing that last night."


"Would you like me to go into work later?"


He quickly sprang off the bed and basically sprinted into the bathroom before coming out six minutes later with a fresh face and his hair swept back with water. Evidence of his fingers having been ran through it were seen by the small gaps in his brown hair.

He jumped into the bed in a superman pose which made River laugh and he grinned up at her.

《 s e x u a l c o n t e n t 》

When he sat up, she crawled into his lap and straddled him before leaning in and pecking his lips.

When she pulled back, his hand swept to behind her neck and he tugged her back before smashing his lips into hers.

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