06 | M A R R I E D

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Hayze watched as River-rose stepped out onto the long white carpet and he was immediately awestruck

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Hayze watched as River-rose stepped out onto the long white carpet and he was immediately awestruck. The whole crowd went silent and all that was heard was the soft playing of the music in the background and Hayze could have sworn he heard his heart beating in his ears.

He saw his groomsman Rudi staring, dumbfounded at his beautiful bride as she walked shyly down the walkway. He couldn't blame him for staring so openly at her either. She was breath taking. His beautiful goddess.

Her dress was simple but it flowed around her elegantly. Complimenting her small figure. She wore a veil, partly shielding her face which he knew was no doubt beautiful. Her dark hair contrasted deeply against all the white and it made her stand out amongst everyone and everything else.

Hayze felt Rudi nudging him but he couldn't even bring himself to tear his gaze away from River for a single second.

"You didn't tell me she was so beautifully tiny," Rudi whispered.

Hayze hummed quietly in reply and watched as she came to a stop in front of him. He held his breath and slowly flipped her veil back and he had to hold back a gasp. She looked stunning. Her makeup was simple and it was most likely there to only bring out her soft, angelic features. Her eyelashes were long and thick, shielding her shimmery honey-green eyes.

He froze when he saw a single tear drip from her right eye. It obviously wasn't a tear of joy.

The guilt suddenly crashed down on him like a strike of lightning. He was so selfish. Hayze couldn't even bring himself to look her in her pretty eyes any longer.

River's eyes took in the blue sky and then the rows and rows of people she did not know. She took in the sight of her parents sitting there, their hands connected and her mothers green eyes filled with tears which would never fall because she wouldn't dare ruin her makeup. 

She then scanned the flowers scattered around the wedding. The little pergola that stood over them with vines wrapped around them. She couldn't help but think of the movie Alice In Wonderland with Johnny Depp. She so badly wanted a little white rabbit to run past with a coat on so that she didn't have to be standing here in front of all these strangers.

A sadness settled over her when she realized that all the petals fluttering around gently were real and they had been wasted on one single wedding. 

Her eyes drifted back to the tall, built man towering over her and she slowly examined his black dress shoes. Then she took in the navy blue suit he had on which fit him just right and was obviously tailored to show him off in all the right places. She carefully looked at the gold watch on his wrist and took in the veins running up under his sleeves. He just looked so strong and big and for some reason slightly warm. 

Nico never seemed so warm

Hayze noticed another tear fall from her eye. He couldn't seem to help himself when he lifted his hand to wipe away the tear but he quickly retracted it when she flinched away from him.

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