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Confusion set in when River heard the door bell ring

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Confusion set in when River heard the door bell ring. No one had buzzed in at the gate so she had no idea who could have gotten to the door.

She shuffled downstairs after slipping into a warm onesie and opened the door.

River felt her stomach drop as she noticed who was standing at the door. Her heart began to beat so fast, she felt lightheaded.


"Hey babe. Long time, no see," he grinned as he held out a bouquet of flowers. "Can i come in?" He asked before stepping into the house and looking around.

She was in shock. She had no idea what to do or what was happening. It didn't feel real.

"How did you..."

"I had my sister call in for me. I had to see you and how 'gorgeous' you looked." He whistled as his eyes scanned over the twin bannister stairs. "You're sugar daddy is loaded, huh?"

"He's not my sugar daddy," she scowled. "He's my husband."

He rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Right."

"Well, it was nice of you to visit," she said sarcastically. "But you can go now."

He grabbed her arm and she froze. "Oh no no no. I'm not leaving until i congratulate you for..." his eyes drifted down to her stomach and he smirked. "Your baby."

She gasped and stumbled back, her breath coming out in short pants. Her hand automatically flew up to her stomach, her motherly instincts kicking in.

"So it is true," he laughed bitterly. "You're pregnant."

"H-how did you fi-find out?" She asked shakily. "We haven't told anyone."

"My sister has been a wonderful source of information."

"Your sister?"

He shook his head and glared at her. "Sometimes you act really dumb you know."

"You never told me you had a sister."

"Yeah i wouldn't have. She lived in another country when we were dating," he spat. His eyes drifted back down to her stomach and he frowned so heavily that he seemed to have aged three years. "That was supposed to be me and you's baby. But no, you had to be a gold digger and choose him over me."

"You were abusing me!" She exclaimed.

"That wasn't abuse. That was teaching you basic home training. My dad beat me black and blue until i finally got things right. You turned out better because of me. If i didn't do the things i did; that sh~thead would not have married you."

"That is not true. He loves me for who i am. He hasn't tried to change me like you have!"

He sneered and roughly grabbed her jaw so she was forced to look right up at him. "Look here little girl. He doesn't love you. He's just using you for sex. Thats why you're knocked up." She whimpered as he jabbed a finger into her stomach. "You and me were supposed have a baby. Remember that. Before my mom died; she'd always say something about how cute our babies would be. She wanted us to make her cute grandchildren," he seethed. "We promised my mama we'd give her beautiful grandchildren."

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