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"Thank you

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"Thank you." River-rose said to the driver Hayze had hired for her. She wanted to get a car for herself with her own money but she needed a job in order to do that and neither one of her parents would let her find one until she finished her schooling. By the looks of it, it seemed she never would.

"When should I pick you up? Hayze says he doesn't want you out later than nine," the driver said.

"Umm, maybe around quarter past eight so I can get to the house by at least nine."

"Yes, of course. I'll be here at eight then."

She nodded and got out of the car. "Thanks again. Bye!"

Almost as soon as River knocked on Nico's door, it swung open causing her to stumble back in surprise.

"Heyyy, lookie here," Rick, one of Nico's friends grinned. "Nico! Looks like your cute little girlfriend's back on the grid."

River didn't really like Rick that much. He was loud and slightly obnoxious. He also flirted with her despite the fact that she was his friends girlfriend.

Nico came up behind Rick with a smirk on his face that made River the tiniest bit nervous. "Well hello there. Look who finally decided to show up." He reached past Rick and grabbed her arm roughly to pull her through the door. "Where have you been?"

She laughed nervously and tiptoed to press a kiss to his cheek. All he did was raise a thick eyebrow in response. "I've b-been... caught up with important stuff." Like getting married

"More important than me?" he asked tauntingly, his height seeming to tower over her even more than just five seconds ago.

In a way, yes. "No. Not more important. I made time to come and see you, didn't I?" She asked softly.

He stared at her for a few seconds before slowly nodding. "Alright, yeah. Lets go play some games in my bedroom."

River smiled excitedly because she really enjoyed playing games with Nico. Whenever he offered to play a game, he was usually in a good mood and a lot of fun. And whether she'd like to admit it or not, he would give her the attention she so desperately craved.


Glass shattered beside River's head and she stood frozen and wide-eyed against the wall. Nico had never thrown anything at her. Well not until he saw a message pop up on her screen from a person called Hayze with a lighting bolt emoji beside it.

The text read:

You'll come home at 7:15 instead

It was also the first text she had ever received from him and it just seemed to be at the worst time.

"Who is texting you? You know I don't like when you're talking with other boys, so why don't you listen? Should I teach a lesson so you'll be good?"

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