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River-rose woke up with a dull ache in her head and a strange warmth enveloping her

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River-rose woke up with a dull ache in her head and a strange warmth enveloping her.

She shifted slightly and she felt strange bumps under her head, yet she felt as if she didn't want to move. The warmth surrounding her was like a heated blanket and the air around her head was chilled.

Slowly, she cracked open her eyes when she felt something hold her down. When she noticed a familiar black dress shirt in her line of view, she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes just to make sure she wasn't making things up.

She rose as the handsome man took a deep breath under her and then let it out slowly before slowly cracking open his icy blue eyes.

His hand wound into her hair as he looked down at her through sleepy eyes. "Good morning pretty girl."

River felt her heart thump faster at the sound of his deep voice that was sort of calming, like the slow rumble of thunder. "Good morning."

He tilted his chin down to press a kiss to her head. "I quite like waking up to you in the morning. But i like my bed better, so you'll sleep with me, in my bed."

She gaped at him before covering her mouth, just so he wouldn't smell her morning breath."Uhh, i-"

"You will."

"Oh o-okay."

He chuckled before sitting up straight with her still pinned in his arms. She held onto his shoulders as she slid down onto his lap.

《S E X U A L  C O N T E N T》

She gasped when she felt a hardness under her.

"Sorry, i was hoping you wouldn't notice. But i guess i'm just a little too big." He smirked at her and then she giggled and blushed when she realized he was joking with her.

She shifted over him but then her chest caved in when she felt a little shiver go from her core all the way up her spine.

He noticed and lifted her slightly before brushing his manhood over her center. She gasped and her eyes fluttered. "Your so sensitive," he said huskily.

"Is that a bad thing?" She asked as she peered up at him through her lashes.

"No, not at all." He slowly lifted her dress from last night up over her head and tossed it onto the fluffy carpet before lowering her so that their crotches touched.

"Look at you," he said as his eyes scanned over her lacy red bralette and her cheeky lace panties. "So pretty."

She looked into his eyes and felt her heart flutter harder in her chest as he stared back at her with passion lit aflame in his dialated eyes.

Nico never looked at me like this

She watched his face as he skimmed his fingers down from her collar bone, to her chest, down the silky skin of her tummy and all the way to her hips.

She gasped as he pulled the bralette away from her skin and exposed her to him. She went to cover herself up, but he caught her hand and placed his own over her breast.

He looked between her eyes and her chest to make sure she was okay.

He leaned down and kissed her plump round breast and she shivered. "You like that?"

She whimpered in response, pushing his head down so he'd kiss her again.

He pushed the thin fabric away and his large hands enveloped her chest in warmth. "I like these. They fit perfectly in my hand. Naturally pretty."

He slipped the bralette back over her chest and then pulled the band of her underwear away from her skin before letting go of it with a snap that made her yelp and jolt in his lap.

"Sorry. I can kiss it make it better." He easily lifted her off his lap and placed her down on the sheets. Her body shuddered as his breath blew over her skin; going down her tummy and then he placed a delicate kiss on the side of her hip.

《F I N I S H E D》

Soon he was placing kisses all over her skin that made her sigh in content. She had never had this much attention on her and it made her feel... sad.

"Baby girl, why are you crying?" He was hovering over her with a look of worry on his face, his brown hair falling over into his eyes.

She bit her lip to silence her cries. She felt so weak and stupid for crying over affection.

"Bella rosa, my sweet rose. Did i make you feel uncomfortable?" He asked gently and this only made her cry harder.

He grabbed her up into his arms and cradled her like a little child. "Won't you tell me?"

"You didn't do anything wrong. It's just... all this time i thought the way Nico treated me was normal and right but now that i have you... i've never felt this way and i'm so grateful that my parents made me get married to you." She laughed bitterly. "I guess not everyone's lucky enough to like the person their arranged to get married to."

"Im happy that you like me. How about we go down for some breakfast? Huh?"

"Okay," she said quietly.

After they had finished freshening up and the pounding in River's head had subside to a dull thumping; they sat together at the kitchen eating and listening to quiet music.

When Hayze heard her humming he turned to look at her with a small smile. "Sing so I can hear you pretty girl."

She blushed and ducked behind her long dark hair but Hayze shook his head and swept the hair behind her ear before leaning over and placing a soft kiss on the base of her throat and then her lips.

"Show me what that mouth can do," he chuckled before turning the music up slightly with the remote he seemed to magically pull out of his pants. 

So they sat together and River sang to him and he listened with a lightness to his heart.

So they sat together and River sang to him and he listened with a lightness to his heart

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