21 | B U S I N E S S

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River fidgeted nervously as she made her way past all the intimidating men in fancy suits

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River fidgeted nervously as she made her way past all the intimidating men in fancy suits. She couldn't help but notice how they were all significantly older than Hayze, but especially her.

She was a child compared to these men and she didn't feel worthy enough to even step foot in the room. But Hayze had insisted that she come and keep him company; maybe even keep him calm so he didn't blow up on the old grouch Mr. Randolph (who never agreed to anything).

Hayze had told her that Mr. Randolph was an infuriating man who was used to getting what he wanted. Hayze had to always restrain himself from shouting at him in italian. He couldn't shout at one of the biggest competitors he had. Right now they were on good terms and River was there to make sure it stayed that way.

"Gentleman, meet my wife, River-rose Sykes," he nudged her from behind him a little and she gave a small wave and a 'good afternoon.'

A few good afternoons were shared but the other replies were mumurs between each other and they had River shrinking back behind Hayze like he was a sheild.

Hayze pulled a chair out for River and she sat down after she thanked him and he sat down in the big leather chair beside her.

His strong, manly colone wafted to her nose as the AC blew her way and she felt a funny feeling in the pit of her tummy. She suddenly wanted Hayze to touch her. Anywhere.

But now was not the time

"I think we should we should invest our time into the hotel you want to design instead of trying to finish off a silly little beach hut."

River looked over and watched the man with the thin, salt and pepper mustache that wiggled everytime he talked. The tip of his nose was red like he had been facing the winter cold.

"Mr. Randolph." River ducked her head to hide her snicker when she realized the man with the red nose was Mr. Randolph. His name was so fitting and reminded her of Rudolph the red nose reigndeer. "The beach hut isn't silly. It might seem like a simple project, but i have to design it in a way where it can withstand the elements. It needs to last through the wind, rain and salt water and i only want the best for the couple that wants to pay me to build this vacation home they desire," Hayze said.

Wow, that sounds really nice. At least now i know my husband doesn't like to rip people off

"A hotel would make more profit," someone sitting near Mr. Randolph said, obviously siding with the red nosed man.

River took another small peak at Mr. Randolph who was busy trying to get the itch by his nose without lifting his hand. He was busy wiggling his mustache left and right, his nose crinkling and folding over itself.

She giggled quietly until she felt a hand rest on her thigh. The cold ring resting on her skin made goosebumps form and travel up her legs. She looked up at Hayze with wide eyes but he wasn't even sparing her a single glance; instead he was scowling at the man talking.

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