55 | A G A I N

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《 s e x u a l  c o n t e n t 》

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《 s e x u a l  c o n t e n t 》

Hayze tore his gaze away from his beautiful sleeping wife and looked out at the ocean that was being illuminated by the moon.

It all felt like a dream.

A wonderful dream.

He looked back over at his wife and his eyes caught sight of the silky skin of her waist. He slowly trailed his hand down the valley between her round little breasts before trailing it slowly over the dip of her waist. The blood rushed down to his length for a second time that night so he slowly shook her awake.

She whined and pushed his hand away before turning away from him.

He scooted up behind her and kissed the back of her shoulder.

"River?" he whispered huskily.

"Yes?" She asked tiredly.

"Lets make sure you get pregnant," he said as he trailed his length up and down her thigh.

"Stop, that tickles," she said as she reached behind her and smacked his hard length.

"Ow f~ck!" He cursed dramatically. It didn't really hurt that much, but he wanted to tease her.

She gasped and turned around. "I didn't mean it. Are you okay?"

"You hurt me," he pouted. "Kiss it better."

She narrowed her eyes at him before abruptly turning onto her side and placing a pillow over her head.

He laughed before trailing kisses up and down her back. "Come on babygirl. Let me be inside you."

She sighed dramatically. "Fine."

"You know you want it," he said as he slowly slipped into her already wet center.

She was still laying on her side so he was relatively deep and it made her moan loudly.

His hand wound into her long dark hair which fell gracefully down her back and he tilted her head back so he could kiss her while he rocked into her.

He was gentle and slow and the only thing they could hear was the sound of the ocean, the sheets shifting and their quiet pants.

"Mmm Hayze," River moaned as she arched her back away from him. "Are you okay? You aren't making much noise."

He grunted and chuckled as he tucked his face into her neck. "You want me to dirty talk? Is that it little girl?"

She whimpered as he angled her head further towards him and he brought his hand around to caress her jaw.

"Its okay pretty girl," he said as he brought two fingers to her mouth. "Suck."

She slowly took his fingers into her mouth and hummed at the taste of his pre-come on his fingers. She had aquired a taste for it now and no longer disliked it as much. It almost gave her a sense of nostalgia.

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