38 | S N O W

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Hayze didn't expect to feel River bouncing up and down on his morning wood so early in the morning

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Hayze didn't expect to feel River bouncing up and down on his morning wood so early in the morning. And he certainly didn't expect her to be doing that because it was snowing.

"Hayze, oh my gosh. Its snowing outside. I haven't seen snow since i was in primary school. Come outside with me, please," she begged as she peered down at him.

He stared back, his icy blue eyes half cracked as he tried to adjust his vision to the blinding light reflecting off the fresh fallen snow.

Hayze groaned as she continued to bounce in his lap restlessly; a bright smile on her face and stray hairs escaping her long french braids. The ends of her hair tickled his abdomen so he twirled the ends around his fingers.

"Calm down, pretty girl."

"I can't!" She exclaimed as she threw her hands into the air and fell to the side off his lap. "Its snowing!"

He chuckled and ruffled the hair out of his face before slowly sitting up and yawning loudly. She giggled and covered his mouth with her hand before crawling back into his lap and straddling him.

"Won't you come outside with me?" She asked, her honey eyes big and innocent as she began bouncing on his lap again.

He grunted as she rocked on his manhood and let out a huff. "To be honest, i'd rather be filling you with my come."

She gasped and blushed a bright red before hitting him in his chest. "You're dirty."

"There's nothing dirty about a husband wanting to make love to his wife," he laughed as he caressed her cheek.

"Well if you come outside with me now, i'll let you later."



"Put on your jacket," Hayze growled as he finally caught her by the back of her sweater dress. She was only wearing that and knee high socks with tan Tims.

"But the snow," she whined as she reached for the door.

"Jacket first. It only takes two seconds. Now hurry up," he said as he held the jacket up for her. She slipped her arms through quickly, her elbow getting stuck midway before she finally pulled both arms through the jacket.

As soon as Hayze zipped up her jacket, she bolted out the door and Hayze shook his head in amusement before walking out behind her and Blue limped out behind him.

Hayze stooped down to scratch behind Blue's ears in sympathy. He was still limping because his back leg was still a little tender and so he didn't like putting weight on it.

Hayze looked up and grinned when he noticed River spinning in the snow until she got dizzy. She fell backwards into the fluffy snow and giggled before spreading her arms and legs out.

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