20 | M E R I N G U E

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Hayze watched in amusement as he watched River stick her finger in the meringue he was making for the top of a pie for his and her parents

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Hayze watched in amusement as he watched River stick her finger in the meringue he was making for the top of a pie for his and her parents. She thought she was being sneaky but he watched her all the time. She was just too beautiful to take his eyes off of her for more than twenty seconds when they were in the same room.

He adored how childish she was around him. It made things a lot more exciting and bright around the house. It was like adding laughing gas to the vents of his house. The whole house was in a happy, delirious mood when River-rose was going around sprinkling her 'fairy dust.' Also known as her positive aura.

Her happiness was literally his happiness.

When he wasn't working, it was his aim to at least see two smiles come from her.

When things had been stressful at work, coming home to a house with River in it made his whole day. 

He slid behind her as she sucked the meringue off her finger and he held back a groan as he felt his manhood react to her with a small twitch. 

She always does this to me and she never realizes it

As she went for one more dip, he placed his mouth next to her ear and grabbed her waist. "What are you doing?" he growled playfully.

She yelped and the bowl of sweet, lemony meringue went sliding across the marble counter. He quickly lunged forward and grabbed it before all that whipping and mixing for the perfect lightness went to waste. 

"I-i'm sorry," she whimpered.

He frowned and realized she was thinking about things Nico would have done if he had been the one to catch her doing that.

He hated that guys guts for hurting his sweet bella rose. They had went to court, but it was a quieter, more private affair because River really didn't want her parents to know she been getting abused for years and they hadn't known. They would blame themselves for not noticing and she didn't want that.

Hayze secretly held a grudge on her parents now for that reason. Yes, they had practically given her away for marriage but he couldn't really bring himself to be mad about that because it had been such a blessing for him.

He was more upset over the fact that for years they hadn't noticed that River, their own daughter, was being physically abused.

"I'll be good," she cried.

"River," he said sternly. "Somehow you're going to have to get over that mindset that I'm going to hurt you for doing something that you're not supposed to. And I can't always tell you what to do; you can't let people walk all over you like you don't have a say in things, you aren't still a child. We're husband and wife, you're not my child. I like taking care of you but you do know that you have a say in things, right?"

She bit her lip and looked away in embarrassment. "I guess. I am sorry though."

"I know."

"I'm sorry if I'm annoying you. I don't know why I act like I'm younger than I am. I know it gets ann-"

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