33 | S U N K I S S E D

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River woke to the warmth of the sun kissing her skin and Hayze

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River woke to the warmth of the sun kissing her skin and Hayze.

"Good morning," Hayze whispered before gently sucking on her neck and then kissing the newly made mark.

"Morning Hayze," she smiled before sitting up in bed, the white sheets falling to her waist. She moved to cover her small, round breasts but Hayze caught her arm and pecked each one.

She admired his icy blue eyes that seemed to now match the color of the ocean right outside their door.

"Look at you, pretty girl," he grinned. "You're glowing."

"Its the sun, silly," she giggled.

He chuckled and shook his head. "Get your shower and then come for breakfast. We'll eat and watch the ocean."

River slipped into a little sundress after showering before padding her way down the wooden stairs and sitting to the table with the see through floor below it.

The couple happily ate the fruit and toast until they were full before putting on their bathing suits and diving into the refreshing water.

They swam around, exploring under the boardwalks and then came back around to the closed off area of the water that was shaded by their bungalow.

Suddenly, River gasped. "Theres a slide!"

She scrambled up out the water and ran into the house with Hayze following close behind; except he wasn't running because his strides were long enough to keep up with her.

"Be careful," he said as she flew up the steps.

When she got to the top, she marveled at the view from the above deck for a few seconds before skipping over to the slide.

River slipped on her thin sundress so her bathing suit wouldn't come off on the slide and then sat down.

"Come on Hayze. Slide down with me," she called excitedly as she pat the spot behind her.

He chuckled before sitting down and locking his legs around her. He pushed off with his strong arms and River squealed as they went speeding down the slide.

They landed with a splash into the water and River giggled after resurfacing. "Lets do it again."

She clambered up onto Hayze's back and he easily carried her out of the water and up to the slide.

They went down again together, their laughter filling the air.

Neither had ever been so happy.

River smiled as he pressed a delicate kiss to her forehead.

"Bella rosa," he whispered.


He looked at her, his icy blue eyes full of heavy, passionate emotion. He looked like he had something to say, but yet, he did not speak his thoughts.

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