43 | C A R E

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"Maybe you should stop before you pass out from exaustion," Vito suggested through the sounds of Hayze's fist meeting the punching bag in his gym room

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"Maybe you should stop before you pass out from exaustion," Vito suggested through the sounds of Hayze's fist meeting the punching bag in his gym room.

"I. can't. stop. Or i'll think about what i did to my bella rosa," he said through pants.

"What did you do?" Vito asked as he threw a towel and a stainless steel container of water to him.

Hayze took four huge gulps before pouring the rest over his head and then wiping his face down with the towel.

"I hate myself," he whispered as he felt a wave of disiness hit him.

Vito quickly scrambled to his side and steadied him. "Have you eaten?"

"I-i," he let out a frustrated breath. "I have. But she hasn't. I know she hasn't. And when she doesn't eat, i don't eat." He plopped down on a seat and bowed his head, his hands clasped in between his spread legs. "God, i hate myself."

"What could you possibly do to make you hate yourself?"

"I hurt her. And i hate myself for it," he said with a shake of his head. "F~ck!" He shouted. "I practically assaulted her."

Vito stumbled back in surprise and his bushy eyebrows furrowed. "How?"

"I don't want to talk about it," he mumbled as he stood up quickly, another wave of dissiness hitting him. "I've gotta go check on her."

"Has she seen anyone but you?"

Hayze shook his head.

"Maybe you should call her friend over."

He stopped at the doorway and stood in silence for a second before nodding. "Alright."


Hayze placed the macaroons in the bag of things he got for River, along side some roses, an italian seafood dish, some cute little jello jelly things that had faces on the front and some rub for her bruises.

"Is this supposed to be some type of care package for River?" Rudi asked as he walked beside Hayze with River's new pet in it. "You must have really messed up. What did you do? Did you say something sexist and unfair to her by mistake, because i know the feeling."

"No. I wish i had," Hayze said guiltily.

"Woah. You must have done something unforgivable," Rubi tried to joke.

"I can't even forgive myself," Hayze said as they arrived at the car. "Can we stop talking about this, please."

Rudi stared for a second before nodding. "Yeah. Yeah okay."

The drive was silent all the way up to the gate. Rudi had tried making jokes the whole way but his attempts were futile; all he got was a stone cold Hayze.

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