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Hayze was surprised to see that River-rose wasn't outside playing like she usually was when he came home

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Hayze was surprised to see that River-rose wasn't outside playing like she usually was when he came home.

He unlocked the door and the smell of food wafted into his nose almost immediately. He hummed in delight and slipped off his shoes at the door before trailing into the kitchen.

"What you cooking, pretty girl?" He came up behind her and pressed a kiss to the back of her neck.

"Hi," she said quietly as she stirred what looked like chili.

He frowned when he got a less excited reaction than usual. He scanned her over and noticed she was wearing loose sweats and a baggy t-shirt instead of any of the lounging outfits he'd bought her or the comfortable lingere. She still looked pretty but he liked to have skin showing when it was just them home so he could caress her baby soft skin and show her how much he adored her. Her midnight black hair was also tied up into a loose ponytail, her hair swinging around at her waist as she moved.

"Are you feeling well? Are you catching a cold?"

She turned around and frowned at him. "No. I'm okay. Do i look sick?" She pouted.

His eyes widened. "No no, not at all. I was just wondering because you usually wear the silk dresses or your cute little skirts and knee socks."

She turned back to the chili and stirred it some more. "I just didn't feel like it today," she mumbled.

He placed his hands on her hips and rubbed his hands up and down her sides soothingly. "That's fine. You still look beautiful." He turned to go to the fridge and grab some water. "That chili smells delecious."

When she didn't answer he looked back at her to see her lazily mixing the simmering chili. "Are you sure you're feeling alright?"

"Yes," she groaned.

He squinted his eyes at her before shutting the fridge door and slipping off his suit jacket. Hayze stepped up behind her and grabbed her hips before trailing one hand down to her plump bum.

Surprising him, she spun around and knocked his hand away. He stepped back in disbeleif.

"Can you please just keep your hands to yourself for for one minute," she breathed out.

He watched in shock as she shut the fire off to the chili and grabbed two bowls from the shelf he built just so she could reach. She dropped them onto the counter and spooned some of the steaming chili into them. One bowl had more than the other.

Next, she swung the stainless steel fridge door opened and grabbed some sour cream before plopping some into each bowl.

The whole time, Hayze just watched in shock as he followed her to the dining room table.

He sat across from her, all the while keeping his eyes on her as she picked up her spoon.

When she avoided all eye contact with him, he sighed loudly. "Have i done something wrong?"

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