07 | H O U S E

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River sat quietly across from Hayze in the limo

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River sat quietly across from Hayze in the limo. She tried to keep herslef from constantly admiring his slicked-back dark brown hair and his icy blue eyes. She couldn't seem to ignore how good he looked in his dark blue suit. Even his smell had her heart beating fast. He smelled so fresh and manly.

He hadn't spoke much to her since they had left the wedding reception. But she had to remind herself that he didn't speak much in general as far as she's seen.

After staring out the window, she eventually got curious as to where they were going.

"Where are we going?"

"Home," he said without even looking at her.

She froze. "Home?" She whispered to herself. "Where is that?"

After not getting a reply, she leaned her head back against the window and stared out at the passing suroundings. She could tell that they were driving through a richer and quieter area due to the fact that the roads were so well paved and there didn't seem to be any bumps in the road. When the car did go over a bump, it was usually to control speed.

The houses River saw were cute and tucked away. She only got glimpses of them from behind the trees but as the car drove on the houses got bigger and more detailed.

River suddenly realized that the long straight road that they were on seemed to be going on forever because the driver never slowed down to turn into a houses driveway. So after passing about eight more houses, she decided to get comfortable.

Peeling off her heels seemed to be harder than anticipated because everytime she leaned over to loosen the straps, her dress would fall in the way and block her view.

Her cheeks burned when she noticed Hayze was silently watched her wrestle with the dress and heels. His icy blue eyes locked with hers and she looked down when his gaze got to intense. He looked annoyed.

"Put your feet up here, bella rosa." Hayze's voice surprised her and she looked up so quickly she could have sworn she heard something in her neck crack.

(Pretty Rose)

River hesitantly put her small, heeled feet up on the seats opposite her and beside Hayze. He smoothly reached over and slowly slipped the white dress up to her knees, all while keeping eye contact with her.

He barely even brushed her leg with his fingers but she found herself fighting back a blush and a shiver at the same time. It was a simple movement and most likely meant nothing but River couldn't help but think it meant something.

She was thinking to much into this. Maybe he kept eye contact with her so as not to overstep any bounderies. Maybe he was silently asking permission to lift her dress. Besides, they hardly knew eachother.

So then, why did he look at her like she was... beautiful?

Nico would sometimes look at her like that. But he never touched her like that.

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