ARC 1.9 : Onnell Maxwell

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"Hey! Did you hear, the beauty and the aloof man becomes a couple?"

"I saw them sitting much more closely than before!"

"I saw him held her hand!"

"Shush! We all know that they already been a couple before!"

For a whole week this subject never been ceased, every time Elis was in the toilet or even in the cafeteria, she would always heard this kind of talk and when she try to ask who, the people just gave her a smile and then run so she just conclude that this topic, this main story is between her and Onnell.

"Here." Onnell smile at her as he gave her an ice-cream, Elis took it away and slowly eating it, she close her book as she gaze on the small lake besides the administrative building. Tomorrow would be the start of the story of this world, so tomorrow she would be meeting with the female lead of this world.

"Are you worried about your exams?" Onnell asked suddenly. Elis looked at him and smile.

"Nope." She answered, Onnell raised his eyebrow and Elis giggle a little.

"It should be you who was supposed to worry, not me." She replied and finally after done eating her ice-cream, Onnell took her hand as he kissed at the back of her hand.

"I would stay with you until you've finish your study. So we will graduate at the sa-" before Onnell could even finish his word, Elis already hit his head with her small notebook. She looked at him with a pissed expression and Onnell immediately shut his mouth.

"Just finish your study and graduate this year, find a job and then..." Elis's face suddenly becomes red but she still continue to say it even though her voice is getting more and more small. "Marry me."

Onnell for the first time in his life laugh and he immediately embrace Elis as he gave her a lot of small kisses on her face. When he felt that it was enough they stay like that for a long time. "Okay." He answered and Elis hummed a little feeling comfy in his embrace and not long after that two student came with their face red with shyness.

"Seniors, sorry for disturbing but all the people who was involve in receiving new student tomorrow need to come to the conference room for briefing." The girl with blue eyes looked at Elis and Onnell as she smile towards them.

"Alright." Elis pushed and wiggle her way out from Onnell's hug. She gave a little peck on Onnell's cheek and run towards the conference room with her book and bag. The two student laugh when they see their seniors run like a little children before they too walked away to find the other student leaving only Onnell who still stood there, stunned and looked in daze.

Without even realizing that his lips already curve upward showing his good mood.


Today was the day that all the new student would register and choose their classes course, Elis as the head of the receiving student were very busy and she kept running over here and there, as the final year student struggling with their exam and Onnell was also one of them.

Half a day already passed and the new student is still not lessen, Elis already start to ponder where could this female lead gone to?

"Fluffy, can you find her?" Elis asked.

"Yes, she in the entrance gate with several people." Answered Fluffy, Elis nodded and suddenly a bottle water were shove in front of her, she looked up and she saw Onnell looking at her with a smile on his face, this scene were seen by a lot of people and they were stunned silly when they see this senior smile as he looked so handsome and dashing. Elis frowned a little and glare towards the other student.

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