ARC 3.31 : Marcus Colton

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Inside a dark room, a man was holding a glass of drink, he swirled it slowly and sometimes would sip it when he felt the urged to drink. Below his feet, lots of magazines, newspapers and some of it had come straight from the internet, the pieces of news that come from the internet had been printed out just to be scattered around the floor. Meanwhile, his other hand was holding one of the printed out, no emotions could be seen from his face as his gaze were on the news. Soon he crumples the piece of paper into a ball and throws it away like it was something that could harm him. He smiled when he saw the paper ball landed on the corner of the room yet if people see his smile it would take less than a second to know how bitter his smile was.

If someone asks him what was the biggest regret in his life? He wouldn't hesitate to answers that he let go of a beautiful and priceless gem away. Yes, he admits that he was stupid and so wrong in many ways. He broke her heart many times before and did many things that hurt her but never once she blame him, not until he left her for another woman and saw how miserable she was yet he still ignore her like some insignificant things.

Still, reality hit him sooner than he thought. The woman who he left with her own demise, slowly, she stand up with her own feet and faces the world with braveness and determination. She shows to the world how strong she was and displays her imperfections to the peoples. She received a lot of critiques and lots of bad comments, yet she accepts it all with an open hand. She matured in her very own way and finally, she manages to attract the King of the business world to her.

Yes, all the papers that were scattered around his feet are none other than her news about her getting married to the King. She was smiling so happily and in love. Their son was also happy in the King's arm and the King, even though he looks serious but people still could see his loving gaze on her.

Jealous? of course, he is. Who doesn't like to have a woman who truly loves you, yet he throws this opportunity away like a piece of garbage and he picked some broken glass instead, now that broken glass had sunk into the bottom of the sea, he was left alone. It's true all of these things had started from him, he admits that he was wrong, but since everything is already in the past, he couldn't amend anything anymore.

Sighing, Caleb closes his eyes, still, with his bitter smile plastered on his face and regret could be seen on his face as he sunk into his drunkness. He was a fool.


The days went into weeks and weeks turn to months. Finally, Elis and Marcus stand together, looking at each other in front of the Pastor who will solemnize their wedding. The two of them slowly and vow to each other professing their love, witnessed by everyone in the church as well the media.

For the first time, all the people who had attended the wedding saw the King who is always cold and aloof were full of smiles.

As for Elis, from the very beginning to the end of the ceremony are full with a smile. Even though she was pregnant and her stomach is bulging, she still manages to smile and laugh with their guests.

That day, the world had witnessed the King of Business and the Queen Movie vow their love and see how in love the two of them.

As for the missions of Elis being a famous actress, she manages to catch two awards as the best of New Talent and Movie Queen. This is because of how hard working she was and how good she was in acting.

In only a few months she manages to act in 10 movies and one serial drama as well a few of advertisement and make all the people around her fall into amazement seeing how good her acting was.

With these two awards, her missions about being a famous actress finally completed leaving one mission uncomplete.

Of course, Elis are not in a hurry. Luke is only a five-year-old kid, he still needs a few more years to grow and face the world.

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