ARC 3.23 : Marcus Colton

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"Fluffy! Tell me, why is the Adami's family is not mentioned inside the character's profile?" Elis asked while trying to suppress her excitement. Fluffy appeared in front of Elis and once she was out she could see the hologram in front of her and all the character's profile was spread out.

"Host, the Adami's family was not mention inside the character's profile because their family was not involved with any of the character's story. It is true that your parents in this world was connected to them but you've got to remember that these world only revolved around the female lead and the male lead of this world, as for the characters profile as it's purpose was only to give you a brief of summary of their roles and their behaviors so host could understand and jump into their role immediately." Fluffy explained slowly and her eyes was also into the hologram while reading into all the character's profile, on the other side of the hologram, a full history of the Adami's family was mentioned inside, and just like what the Rosario's couple told Elis before, the Adami's family was indeed cursed.

Elis pondered for a long time, and slowly sighed, she looked again at the hologram and indeed when she read all the character's profile, there is none of it that had mention about the Adami's family and even her brother inside this world was not mention. Looks like she have to investigate this using this world technologies.

"Host, there's a blue blink on your mission's tab." Fluffy said, making Elis out from her thoughts. She blinked a few times before she look at the missions tab, once she clicked opened the tab, a new missions was issued and she was a bit irritated when she saw the points. Glaring towards Fluffy, she almost wanted to slap that fur ball for giving her such a low points.

"Really? 300 points for finding the son, are you serious?" Elis said while gritting her teeth, if Marcus was indeed the son, then the mission would be quite easy to be complete, but what if Marcus is not the son? How could she find him among all the human in this world?

Fluffy shrugged her shoulder. "Host, you are more capable than you think." Said Fluffy as she disappeared, leaving Elis alone in the room.

Feeling the burden on her shoulder, Elis really wants to shout her feelings out, all her mission was still incomplete and there's one more triggered mission that she need to complete, the system are truly giving her a headache!


"Miss, you need to use the back entrance, there are too many reporters at the main entrance." Elis's assistant reported to Elis while Elis is on her way to the office, with a little frown on her face she massage her temples before she sighed.

"Why are they gathering there?" Elis asked.

"There's a fishy news about Little Master and how he was conceived and there are also some malicious things saying about you, Miss." The assistant answered it slowly very afraid to make her pretty boss angry.

"Okay, we'll talk about this after I've arrive in the office." Elis gave her reply and soon her car went to the back entrance, thankfully that her car was unknown and the reporters are all gathered in the main entrance if not she would not be so safely to enter the buildings, once she was inside she took a deep breath before she went immediately towards her office where her assistant already waiting for her.

"Report!" Elis throw her bag to the table and throw herself unto the chair, she looked straight towards her assistant asking for more details.

Gulping his own saliva, the assistant cleared his throat and start giving his reports.

"Two days ago, after the premiere of 'Loving You', a lot of big shot and a lot of the watchers had given their own reviews and of course it is included with how you act and how beautifully you display the characters of the second female lead, but somehow a few people who had act together with you before had commented that you didn't even know how to act or even have the courage to look at the camera so how could you have the courage to act so good, they also claimed that the person who act as the second female lead was not you.

Some of the people also had said that you had seduced some bigger people and eventually conceived Little Master and so on. So basically now there are two faction of people out there, the first one are the person who really admired you and becomes your fan and the second one is the people who hates you and demand you to step out from the entertainment industries as their think that you are not suitable for the younger one to idolizing you."

The assistant took a deep breath before he continued, even so his eyes darted back and forward to look any changes on his boss's face, yet his boss look so calmed and there is nothing happening to his boss.

"The reason why the reporters are like bees outside because they want to know all the details about Little Master and of course wants to know whether it's really you or not who act as the second female lead, of course some of our actress and actors had come out to give their confirmation but somehow the reporters still didn't believe because they said that the actress and actors is backing you up because you are the boss." Said the assistant as he closed his file, he looked at his boss while waiting for her next instruction yet she didn't say anything or do anything, she just sit there like a queen like there is nothing to bother about.

Of course to Elis, this is only a simple matter, she couldn't care much about her reputation in the entertainment industry but what she care about is her son, she is willing to let the world know but could she exposed about his real identity.

Even so, she just took a deep breath and averted her eyes towards her assistant. She took a USB drive and gave it to her assistant, the assistant took it and looked at Elis with a puzzled look.

"Open it and you will know what to do next, as for the reporters outside, just let them be." Elis said while shooing her assistant out. After her assistant went out, she opened her computer and went into her social media. Since the premiere she never had a chance to open her social media as she was busy reading and checking into the Adami's family history, so once she opened her social media there was a lot of messages as well a lot of comments. She read all the comments and found out that some of her employee had backing her up and makes her smile when she saw all of their comments.

Hmm, a good bonus for them, she thought before she read another comments, she scroll down until finally she saw a comment which makes her frowned.

"She is literally a fake, she seduce other people's boyfriend and when it's not enough she even sold her body to others, what a sl*t, and now she is telling the world that she admits her mistake and show her son to the world, come on people, she only asking for your pity and sympathy so her reputation will raise up. What good actor? She doesn't even know how to act and you people praise her so much? Wake up people, she is nothing but a sore loser, she only use her parents reputation to make her life easier! Good Actor? A good b*tch I must say!"

The comment was given a 1050 likes and 450 replies. Based from what the comments trying to say that she not only used her body to reach much higher ground she even used her parent's reputations so she will get what she wants and of course some of the replies were backing the commenters up and some were telling her to respect her and even said that people makes mistakes, of course in the reply section Elis could also see that almost of her employee had attacked the commenters and showed how capable of them as a keyboard warriors.

When Elis clicked the commenter's profile, she doesn't know who the person was, but what makes her feels something is fishy is when she looked at the profile, the profile was made up two days ago at 11:55PM, that was exactly after an hour of her premieres ended.

Elis smiled a little, with her hacking skill, finally she opened her system hacking and entered a lot of weird symbol before she clicked into the commenter's profile. Searching for its IP address and finally she found the IP address and located its location she was a bit amazed when she saw where the IP address was coming from.

This is truly funny, the story of this world could not be ignored as it totally followed the story line, the man behinds the profile is the people coming from the politician world and that is the second best candidates for the second male lead in these world.

"Mr. Chen Yu Lin, a candidates for the upcoming president. Wonder how could the female lead bumps into him. Aah~ Lavinia, what games are you throwing at me right now?"

Elis closed the hacking system and finally grinned, she may face a lot of trouble but what she can't wait is the face slapping for the female and male lead.

"Lavinia, I'll wait for your games, let's see what you will do."

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