Chapter Thirty

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Kiss Me, Jungkook:

You're My Tear

After that whole encounter with Sora and her new lover, I went back to the guys who were already seated in our table. To be honest, if I was a crazy person I would have kissed her right there but I wasn't in the point that I would call myself a crazy person just yet.

"Did you order?" Jin Hyung asked. I sighed and sat beside him with my hood on and hands inside my sweatshirt.

"Yeah and it cost me my allowance." I said.

"Why did you even order without us?" Namjoon strangely looked at me with his brows raised.

"Uh, because I didn't want to talk to Chaeyoung and Sora was there too."


They all responded with her name in a loud voice. With their head all turned towards me, I had no reasons to avoid it instead I answered the questions they threw at me.

"I thought she was in Seoul?" Jimin asked with a rather unsettling tone.

"I don't know okay, she told me she was going back to Busan and that's it." I shrugged.

The atmosphere was no longer comfortable for them since I decided not to answer their questions anymore. They noticed I wasn't in the mood to talk or eat at all but they still forced me too. In my mind, the girl whom I used to like is in the other room with a guy, that I think she likes now.

In the first place, I couldn't even reach where Jackson stood. I bet he has a lot of money that could satisfy Sora's needs, a car, his face and probably has a nice personality too. But for me, he wasn't that good looking.

"Hey, Jungkook." Hoseok Hyung stared at me with a serious face.

"You should eat." Yoongi Hyung pushed a bowl of food next to me along with other food on the table.

"They're right, you just forget about her and have fun. Okay?" Taehyung gave me a warm smile and a pat on the knee.

"And besides, we're going clubbing tonight." He whispered in my ear.

"Am I even allowed?" My brows raised at him and he gave me a reassuring nod.

"Of course!"


I was waiting for Jackson to get his car from the parking lot when sudden loud voices appeared out of nowhere, it came from the restaurant we just ate in. Behind me, was Jungkook's friends and Jungkook himself, they were talking so loudly I could over hear it from my side.

"Don't worry, JK. There are a lot of girls in the club tonight!"

"Every girl will fight over Jungkook once they see him."

I didn't know if they were trying to cheer him up or make other people hear their conversation. Jungkook looked drunk since he was being carried by his friends by his arm and slurred some words like slow motion.

"You guys are overreacting." He managed to say. When they reached the end of the sidewalk, I got to see him face with a drunken smile and his eyes closed. My heart was pounding, I had to turn around and contain myself from the heat pouring out of my body.

"Sora, let's go."

"You alright?" Jackson asked once he started driving his car back to my house. If only I had kissed him before, I wouldn't even go through all of this and I could be finally happy.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"You seem a little off earlier, are you sure?" He gave me a glance before returning to the road.

"Yeah, don't worry. I was just thinking about my cactus plant." He chuckled quietly and pushed his hair back with his other hand.

"You're so cute." I sighed and looked out of the window, when we arrived at the front of the store, we still stood there outside with no absolute reason at all. He just wanted to look at me.

A sudden feel came to me when his eyes fell into mine, the rush of excitement and anxiety went through my body and suddenly I felt like I was a different person.

"Jackson. I'm sorry." I blurted those words out without feeling anything in my chest.

"What?" He gave me a confused look. Everything went downhill at that point when I closed my eyes and reached for his face, enough for my lips to touch his.

My thoughts weren't in the right place and while I was kissing Jackson on that moment, I was thinking about Jungkook.

Jackson stared at me after I pushed him away, his arms remained on my back until they fell on his sides. I swallowed and felt like I returned to my normal self, except the anxiety was still there.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't know what got into my head." He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him with his cheeks dusted pink.

"Sora, let's date. I want to be with you, I really like you." He sounded like he was begging me to do so, I kissed so many people and how could they still like me? I don't understand.

"No, Jackson. This is a complete misunderstanding. This can't happen anymore and this is the last time we'll ever see each other." I said. He frowned with his brows narrowed together.

"What are you saying? Why are you treating me like this and say those things? Are you playing with me? I thought we had something special." He stepped back with his hand running through his hair.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel this way." Jackson continuously shook his head and released sighs numerous times. He then grabbed my arm and pulled me to his chest.

"Sora, I like you. I seriously like you with all my heart." He managed to say those things with his voice cracking. He took a stepped back and pursed his lips before he walked towards his car and drove off.


"Jungkook, where are you going!?"

I wasn't supposed to be in this stupid club. I shouldn't be dancing or drinking with some random girl but it was too late. It was almost midnight when I got drunk and I was walking out of the club with my head throbbing and legs jelly. My friends followed me out of the club still sober but I was still faster than them even if I walked with my head turning and sight blurry.

"Jungkook, wait!" Taehyung ran up to me then grabbed my hand from crossing the busy street.

"Where are you going?"

"Home! I don't want to be here. This is wrong." I said pushing him away from me which made him fall down on the sidewalk while I crossed the street.

"Jungkook, wait!"

I was hard headed, I didn't listen to anyone even Taehyung. My feet led me to a terrible fate, when I walked down the street the cars that passed by were in normal speed to my sight but in reality they were faster than I imagine. One probably caught my eye when it was coming towards me with it's bright lights and indistinct hooking, everything went dark.



This chapter was edited, I added some words to clarify some actions but the chapter is still the same! Leave a comment and vote!


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