Chapter Thirty-Three

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Kiss Me, Jungkook:

What's Your Sns?

"When will I get out of here?"

Being in a hospital wasn't all fun and exciting, the guys were eating inside my hospital room without me and that was complete torture. I was just lying there with my phone in my hands and distracted myself from the aroma of delicious food.

"Three more days, I think?" Jin Hyung chewed on the piece of beef while he spoke.

"You can't leave this place unless you're okay."

"But I am okay! And I can't just stay in bed all day." A sudden knock on the door interrupted my conversation and also their eating session.

Chaeyoung suddenly appeared in front of us before we could even open the door for her. The guys' expressions went dull and uninterested when they saw Chaeyoung. They didn't even greet her when she arrived.

"What are you doing here?" I sat up and placed my phone down, the more I moved the harder it was to move my arm that was in a cast.

"I came here for you of course, I brought you some food." She walked towards me while taking off her coat and bag. She took out some food from the paper bag she carried and displayed it in front of me.

If I wasn't so hungry I wouldn't accept Chaeyoung's food but since I was drooling from watching the guys eat, I had to do it.

"Is it good?" She asked and I nodded awkwardly and avoided her gaze.

"I bought it from the place we used to eat in." She smiled at me and I chuckled at her. The guys were watching us weirdly while Chaeyoung was practically feeding me at this point.

"We should've locked the door." Taehyung whispered to Jimin and agreed.


"Sora and Kimsu wake up!" I heard my Mom's voice from the store and it made me jumped suddenly from my bed. Kimsu was already up and on her phone then she slapped me by the arm, I looked at her with a confused face on why she slapped my arm so hard.

"Look, Chaeyoung posted this on her social." She showed me her phone and I had to squint my eyes a little bit because her phone screen was too bright.

It was a photo of Jungkook eating in the hospital, it was okay but when I saw her caption that said:

Chaey0ung172: I'm always here to take care of my jagiya

"I didn't know Chaeyoung was Jungkook's mother." Kimsu tilted her head and threw her phone at me.

"She's such a brat, are they back together?" She stood up and tied her hair up but ignored the blankets that were all over the place.

"I don't know, maybe." I took another glance at the photo on Kimsu's phone. How could Jungkook look good when eating?

"Forget it, I don't care about her." Kimsu shrugged and went downstairs to eat.


"You do you guys wake up so late?" Mom was making us breakfast and Kimsu was pushing me to tell her about what happened with Jackson the other.

I had my reasons why I hadn't told her yet, I was really upset about that kiss. And it made me think that even if I told her nothing would change and if the curse would still be there, I'd just make her more upset than before.

Here we are, sitting in the store's kitchen and waiting for the right time to talk about it. Kimsu was kicking my leg under the table and signaling me to say it now, this is it.

"Mom, I have something to say."

"What?" She sternly replied.

"The other day, when Jackson was supposed to give me driving lessons, I kinda kissed him." I bit my lip hoping she wouldn't get mad at me.

"You kissed him?" I nodded and she raised her brows.

"Did you really kiss him? What did you say?" I swallowed and glanced at Kimsu for a second, she was smiling at me and giving me thumbs up.

"I did kiss him and I told him we weren't going to see each other again." I sighed.

"Well, we're just going to wait if that kiss is really going to stop that curse and if not, I don't know what to do anymore." She continued to cook for us and I looked down at the floor.

"To be honest, if you had kissed Jungkook sooner without him knowing about the curse, you and Jackson would've been together. Jackson was the better one." She said.

Kimsu and I were quiet during breakfast, now that I've told my Mom about the kiss with Jackson, she didn't seem to be so happy like what I had in mind. And she even choose Jackson than Jungkook, I didn't even know Jackson that much.

Jungkook was the last person I wanted to kiss because I didn't want to be away from him. Since I've kissed both Jackson and Jungkook, I don't have anybody left. It sounds very selfish but they still have a space in my heart and that makes me want them to stay.


"You can leave now, Chaeyoung." I awkwardly scratched my head as Chaeyoung kept caressing my leg when if I moved it away from her, she still managed to grab it.

"Hey, Jungkook needs to rest." Namjoon said while bobbing his head towards her. Chaeyoung rolled her eyes and stood up from my bed. I sighed quietly and cover my legs before she sees it again.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Jungkook." She blew me a kiss which made me a little uncomfortable and I could hear Namjoon laughing beside me quietly.

"She's so weird." I said to myself when she left but Namjoon Hyung heard it.

"I already told the nurses to lessen her from coming here." He sat on the vacant chair beside the nightstand.

"She's been acting weird all of a sudden." I said.

"I think she knows about you and Sora." He said.

"I don't know, did you tell her?" I moved my other side to look at him and he gave me a shrug.

"No, I guess she just knew. Since Sora isn't here." I sighed and dropped down on my bed while staring at the ceiling.

"I miss her." I did try my best to forget about her but everything just reminded me of her.

"We know, obviously because Taehyung and Jimin saw you reading your old messages with her last night, again." Namjoon chuckled and gave me a smirk.

"Seriously, those guys are such idiots." I shook my head and covered my face.

"Why don't you guys get back together?" Namjoon was the only here because the other guys had classes and jobs.

"Gosh, I wish but it's too complicated."

If only I knew why, I could make things better for her and we could still be together.


This chapter was edited, I added some words to clarify some actions but the chapter is still the same! Leave a comment and vote!


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