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After breakfast, Scott has Kevin take the other Omegas outside for a little while so he can talk to Mitch. Scott has a lot of questions to ask Mitch.

Where did Mitch come from?

Why did Scott find him on the brink of death at the park?

Does Mitch have an Alpha who's looking for him? Is his family looking for him?

Will Scott have Mitch in his care for awhile? He already has three Omegas to care for...

"Okay," Scott sits down beside Mitch on the couch. Mitch instantly starts shaking, and Scott frowns. "Hey, it's okay. You're not in any trouble-" He reaches over and gently places his hand on Mitch's knee.

Mitch takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

"I can only imagine what you've been through the past few days, weeks even. But, trust me when I say... you're safe here. I'm not going to hurt you, and neither are any of my pack members. Okay?"

Mitch slowly nods, slowly stop shaking. Alpha Scott's voice calms him. It's soft, and warm.

"Great," Scott smiles. "Your name is Mitch. Beautiful name. Do you have an Alpha?"

Mitch flinches and quickly shakes his head. "N-No," he replies quietly.

"Okay..." Scott frowns. "What about your family? Do you think they are looking for you?"

"I... I don't know, Alpha," Mitch mumbles. "I haven't seen my family in years."

"Oh, well. Would you like to see them? Can you tell me your parents name then? My Beta is amazing. He'll be able to find them for you," Scott says, grabbing a pen and paper.

"Mike and Nel Grassi," Mitch says as he looks over at Scott.

Scott starts writing the names down. "Mike and Nel Grassi. Got it," he sets the paper and pen down. "Well, until we can get a hold of your parents, you are more than welcome to stay here. Plenty of room. We have an extra room you can stay in. The other Omegas will be thrilled to have another friend!"

Mitch blinks a few times as he looks up at Scott. "Alpha? Can-Can I ask you a question?"

Scott smiles, pleased that Mitch is already seeming to be comfortable with him. He started off pretty shy, but now he's actually talking and wanting to ask questions. "Of course, Mitch..."

"Why do you have so many Omegas?" Mitch asks curiously.

"Oh," Scott chuckles. "I originally only had two Omegas, Mark and Mason. We actually brought Kirstie into the pack a couple months ago... similar to your situation. I told her the same thing I told you. She could stay as long as she liked, and well... she never left. Now she's staying with us until we find her an Alpha. Kirstie is very sweet. You'll get along with her the most. Mark and Mason are... a lot to handle."

Scott continues to talk to Mitch, telling him all about the pack and about himself. Mitch doesn't talk much, but Scott doesn't expect him to say much anyways. He knows Mitch is listening though.

"Alpha, is Mitch going to stay with us forever?" Mark asks as he stands in the kitchen with Scott.

"I'm not sure if he is or not yet. We're going to try to contact his family. Why?" Scott looks over at Mark. "Do you not like him?" He bites his lip slightly.

"No, it's not that-" Mark shakes his head. "He just seems... different?"

"Well, he's been through a lot. He almost died last night. Promise you'll treat him as one of our own?"

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