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"Mase, come on! It's not even that big of a deal!" Mark follows Mason out of the living room.

"It is a big deal!" Mason turns and looks at Mark angrily. "We made a pact between the three of us!"

"I'm sorry. I really am," Mark looks down. "It's not like we did it to purposefully hurt you. I just needed him, and I didn't want to wait any longer. Are you mad at me?"

Mason sighs as he stares at Mark. "Dammit, Mark. You know I can't when you do that-"

"Do what?" Mark asks as he looks up at Mason curiously.

"Make that face. You look like a puppy, and who can ever be mad at puppies?" Mason asks.

Mark rolls his eyes playfully. "Whatever it takes for you not to be mad at me," he says.

"No, I am still mad. You two both owe me," Mason warns, pointing his finger at Mark. He looks over when he hears footsteps and sees Mitch shyly walking up to them.

"Um, d-dinner is ready-" Mitch says, clearly nervous.

Mason's eyes widen. "Did Mr. Kevin already set the plates?" He takes off, running towards the kitchen.

Mitch goes to follow, but Mark quickly reaches over and grabs him. "Mitch?"

Mitch gasps and looks over, quickly pulling his arm away from Mark.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to od that. I..." Mark lets out a sigh. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. I know that I haven't been the nicest to you since you've arrived. I promise I don't hate you. I just got jealous."

"Why?" Mitch asks curiously, tilting his head slightly.

"I... I just thought you were trying to take our Alpha away from us. But, now I know that's not true,"

"I have no desire to steal your Alpha from you," Mitch says. "I would very much so like an Alpha, but preferably an Alpha that doesn't already have two Omegas. I hope this means we can be friends."

Mark smiles and nods. "I would like that," he says. He wraps his arm around Mitch's shoulder, and then they make their way to the kitchen, where Mason is excitedly placing all the plates down on the table.

"Is Alpha eating with us tonight?" Mark asks hopefully.

"He is,"

Mark looks over and smiles when he sees Scott walk into the kitchen with Kirstie.

Scott walks over and gently kisses Mark's forehead. "I'm proud of you, sweetheart,"

Hearing those words makes Mark beam. "Thank you, Alpha!"

Scott smiles and gently rubs Mark's backs before walking over to get the Omegas plates ready while Mark sits beside Mason and Mitch sits beside Kirstie. The two have been bonding ever since Mitch arrived. Kirstie has been teaching Mitch all about Disney and other things he's never heard of.

"Alpha, can we watch Harry Potter after dinner?" Kirstie asks.

Mitch looks over at Kirstie curiously. "What's... Harry Potter?" He asks.

Kirstie gasps and grabs a hold of Mitch. "You've never seen Harry Potter?" She squeaks.

"Kit, his Alpha never let him watch TV. You have to remember that," Scott reminds her.

"I know, I'm sorry. It just blew my mind for a second. Now we have to watch Harry Potter. All eight movies. You're going to love it! It's all about magic. Some parts might be scary, but it's not even that scary-"

Scott chuckles as he listens to Kirstie talk to Mitch about Harry Potter.

After getting all the plates filled with the right proportions, Scott hands everyone their dinner.

"Thank you, Alpha. Thank you Mr. Kevin!" Mark smiles.

"Don't thank me. Mason did most of the work. I just guided him," Kevin smiles.

"Is that so?" Scott looks over at Mason and smiles. "It's really good. Good job, Mase. Kevin told me that you were going to help but not like that. I'm proud of you."

Mason blushes at the compliment. "Can I help with dinner more often, Sir? I like cooking,"

"Of course. You just have to be careful. I wouldn't want anything happening to you," Scott warns softly.

"Nothing would happen because Mr. Kevin will be with me, and Mr. Kevin is very careful," Mason says.

After eating dinner, the Omegas settle into the living room with blankets. Mason and Mark are sharing a bowl of popcorn while Kirstie and Mitch are sharing as well. Kevin is putting in the movie.

Scott smiles as he watches from the doorway, happy to see all his Omegas happy.

"Alpha, are you watching the movie too?" Mark asks hopefully.

"I have some work to do, but I promise I'll come join once I finish. Okay?" Scott tells him.

"Okay," Mark nods before cuddling up next to Mason.

The Alpha & His Omegas // Meau & ScomarsonWhere stories live. Discover now