twenty three

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Mason stays by himself mostly in the guest bedroom for about two days. He doesn't talk to anyone unless it's Kevin bringing him food. Kevin tries to get him to come out, but Mason refuses which is something that never happens. He just feels like he doesn't really deserve to talk to Mark and Scott especially after what happened.

Finally, Mason comes out of the bedroom out of loneliness and boredom. He starts walking but then trips, falling onto his knees. He gasps and then he looks over, frowning when he sees Mark sitting on the floor, half asleep. "Mark! What the hell are you doing?" He crawls over to him, and blinks a few times when Mark flings his arms around him, hugging him tightly. "Mark, I can't breathe. Let me go."

"I'm sorry, Masey!" Mark cries, burying his face in Mason's chest. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you!"

Mason sighs in defeat, settling down next to Mark on the floor. "Mark, what are you doing on the floor?"

Mark sniffs, looking up at Mason. "W-Waiting for you. Kevin told me you were in there, b-but he said that it wouldn't be a good idea if I bothered you. I-I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what I said. It was wrong."

Mason slowly lets go of him. "Shouldn't I be apologizing?"

"No," Mark snaps. "It's my fault this whole thing happened." He pushes himself up. "Mase, I should have chosen my words more carefully. I don't see you as just Alpha's sex toy, but I totally understand why you took it as that way. I just meant that... you two can be together while I'm pregnant. I don't feel comfortable being sexual while there's a baby in me. The doctor said it was okay, but it's just how I feel."

Mason frowns, now feeling even more embarrassed. "I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have overreacted," he says.

"Don't apologize, please. I understand why you got upset," Mark says.

"Alpha thinks I don't want to be apart of the relationship anymore," Mason mumbles.

Mark looks over at him. "Do you really think he loves me more?" He asks.

Mason shrugs his shoulders. "Sometimes. I know he loves me, and cares about both of us. Sometimes... it just feels like he loves you a little more. Like, he didn't even think twice about when he said he wanted you to carry our children. I know it makes more sense... but he didn't even consider me," he says.

"Alpha Scott loves us both," Mark says. "You should have said something about this sooner."

"I know," Mason mumbles, looking down. "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too. Are you still mad at me?" Mark asks nervously.

Mason shakes his head. "No, I'm sorry. I should have talked to you instead of being a brat," he says.

Mark rolls his eyes. "You weren't being a brat. You had every reason to be mad at me for what I said,"

Mason sighs, and then he pushes himself up on his feet. "Come on. You're pregnant, and shouldn't be sitting like this. Up," he grabs a hold of Mark and carefully helps him up as well.

"Will you please come back to our room? I-I miss you," Mark hugs Mason tightly.

Mason closes his eyes. "I-I don't know if Alpha would want me to," he pulls away from the hug.

"He does. He's not mad at you. We've talked. He's more upset that he never paid more attention to you, and... he wants to change that too. We both want you, Mase. Not just as something sexual," Mark says.

"Yeah," Mason mumbles, still feeling unsure. "Come on. You need to sit down."

"Mase, I'm not even that far into my pregnancy. I'm only a month in!" Mark complains.

"I don't care," Mason says, taking Mark to the living room. He looks over and freezes when he sees Scott sitting on the couch. He starts to run away but Mark quickly stops him, and drags him over to the couch, placing him down next to Scott. Mason looks up at Mark and glares at him.

"Enough of this. Now, we're talking about this together. We're going to have a baby arrive in less than eight months and there's no way I'm going to survive with all of us arguing like this," Mark snaps.

Scott looks over at Mason, almost shocked to see him out of the room. It took everything in him not to comfort the Omega the whole time he was separated. He could feel Mason's pain and hurt, but he knew that it would be best for all of them to be away from each other and think about things.

"Alpha, tell him that you're not mad at him, and that you do want him," Mark says. "We both want him."

Scott sighs softly. "Mason," he begins. "Of course I want you. There's never been a moment where I haven't wanted you. I'm so sorry I haven't paid enough attention to you and made you feel unwanted. But, I promise I'm going to do a better job. I wish you would have said something sooner."

"I... I was just being stupid and dramatic..."

"Stop. Quit saying that. You have every right to feel the way you felt," Scott says. He leans forward and then he gently kisses Mason, the Omega instantly melting into the Alpha's kiss. "I love you for you Mason, and I want you around for a long time. Are you okay with that?"

Mason slowly nods and looks up at Scott. "I-I'm sorry for swearing at you, Alpha..."

Scott chuckles. "I'm not upset," he says, kissing Mason again.

"I'm not getting punished then?" Mason asks, blinking a few times.

"No, you're not," Scott shakes his head, pulling Mason closer to him. "Besides, you've been isolated for two days. I know it was your choice, but I think that's enough punishment."

"Alpha, it was horrible. I hate being alone," Mason complains, falling into Scott's arms.

Scott smiles and wraps his arm around Mason. "Don't worry, sweetheart. You won't ever have to be alone like that ever again. I promise," he whispers, keeping the Omega close to him.

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