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"Scott has told me an awful lot about you. It's nice to finally meet you," Beau says.

Mitch looks over at Scott, surprised to hear this. "R-Really, Alpha Scott?"

Scott nods. "Of course. I have to brag about you. You've been a great addition to this pack," he says. "Beau is one of the few Alphas that I trust around here."

"But, the Alpha meeting...?" Mitch asks, confused. He quickly shakes his head. "I'm sorry..."

"Don't be sorry. You're allowed to ask questions, Mitchy," Scott chuckles. "The majority of the Alphas that came to our meetings are trustworthy. I just trust some more than others," Scott tells him.

"I hope you can learn to trust me too, Mitch," Beau says.

Scott nods. "Why don't you head downstairs with Kirstie? Alphas will start arriving soon," he says.

Mitch almost says no, because he really wants to talk with Beau more, but he knows that the Alphas are very busy right now with their meeting. He doesn't want to get in trouble with Alpha Scott.

Kirstie grabs Mitch and they go find Kevin so they can go downstairs.

"You'll be okay for a couple hours downstairs, alright?" Scott says before he kisses both Mark and Mason. "Kevin is going to be down there with you, and he'll have a phone for emergencies. Emergencies only."

Mason pouts before looking up at Scott. "But, what if we miss you, Alpha?" He asks.

Scott smiles fondly at the Omega. "You're so sweet, Mason," he kisses Mason gently. "Well. Come on, then, I'll take you down." He places a hand on Mason's back and leads the way out of the kitchen, but stops when there's knocking at the door. "Stay here."

Mason steps closer to Mark and grabs his arm, knowing it will be an Alpha at the door.

Scott opens the door and smiles when he sees Avi out on the porch. "Av! It's so good to see you again," he pulls the Alpha into a friendly hug and then notices the Beta and Omega standing behind him. "Oh, you didn't tell me that you were bringing your pack?"

"Sorry. I didn't want to leave them at home alone. Is this alright?" Avi asks. "It was last minute..."

"Of course. Kevin will be thrilled to see Matt again," Scott smiles and hugs the two, before allowing them into the house. He chuckles when he sees Mason and Mark excitedly reuniting with Esther again.

"It's going to be packed tonight. Are you prepared for that?" Avi asks, looking over at Scott.

"Well, my house is the biggest so there wasn't really a choice for me. We need to have our meetings," Scott says. "I've done everything I can to make sure everyone is safe. I even hired two bodyguards to stand outside the basement door so no one tries to pull anything on me. No one else has four Omegas."

Avi nods. "We'll know for sure if anyone in our group of Alphas is a traitor if they try anything tonight,"

"I know. That's the only good thing about having the meeting here," Scott says. "If you'll excuse me a sec, I have to take the Omegas down to the basement. Beau is waiting in the living room. Boys, Esther... follow me. Matt, you two. Omegas and Betas will be down in the basement."

Scott takes the group of Omegas and Beta downstairs to the basement. He's glad that he decided to turn the basement into a hangout rather than just an empty space so it could be actually useful.

"Kev, look who's here..."

Kevin looks over and gasps when he sees his best friend Matt. "Matthew!" He rushes over and hugs him.

"Esther!" Kirstie squeals and runs over to hug Esther as well. "Finally! I'm not the only girl here!"

Scott chuckles, and then he looks over at Mitch, who's sitting on the floor looking very confused. "Mitch, that's Matt and that's Esther. Matt is a Beta and Esther is an Omega. They're in Avi's pack. Avi is another very trustworthy Alpha. Our packs are like family. I'm sure you'll get along great with them."

"Alpha," Mason says as he tugs on Scott's shirt. "Can we please play on the Wii?"

"Of course, as long as you behave yourselves. I know how competitive you like to get with each other," Scott warns. "Remember, I'll be right upstairs if you need anything." He kisses them both, before walking over to Kevin and Matt. "hey Kev, there's two bodyguards upstairs. No one should come down here unless it's me or Avi and possibly Beau. Mark and Mason have a phone if you need to call me.

"I understand, Sir. I'll try not to bother you too much but you never know with these Omegas. We'll just do our best to look after the Omegas. But, I'm sure we'll be fine for a couple hours,"

"It looks like the Omegas will be entertained," Matt chuckles as he looks around.

Scott smiles and nods. "Good luck," he says before rushing up the stairs.

Matt looks over at Kevin and bites his lip slightly. "We have nothing to worry about. Right?"

"Right," Kevin replies confidently before frowning. "I... I mean I think. Let's just cross our fingers that nothing goes wrong tonight at the meeting. That's a lot of Alphas. We don't know what they're capable of."

Matt nods. "I know, but our Alphas will protect us," he says before throwing an arm around Kevin. "Now, what have you been up to? It's been too long since I've seen you last!"  

The Alpha & His Omegas // Meau & ScomarsonWhere stories live. Discover now