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A/N: I'm sorry for the rushed ending, but I hope that you still liked it and enjoyed this book. This will probably be my last "book" for now as I just got a job and would rather focus more on that. But, I will still be continuing to write in both my oneshot books whenever I get motivated to so please make sure you go check out my scomiche oneshots as well as meau/scomarson. Leave prompts for those if you'd like to.

Thank you!! Votes/Comments are much appreciated :')


Within' months, Beau and Mitch were married. They had a small wedding and invited only their family and close friends, mostly their pack members. It had been a successful and fun wedding. Mitch can't believe that he's married. He never would have met Beau if he hadn't run away. If Alpha Scott had rescued him. Honestly, he thought he would be stuck with Alpha Jacob forever.

Now, Alpha Jacob is in prison. At least, that's what Mitch last heard. But, he's glad.

Scott also has talked to Beau about moving him and Mitch closer to the pack, so Mitch will be able to see everybody more often. Scott knows it hasn't been an easy transition for Mitch.

"Are we almost there yet?" Mitch asks, whining as he looks over at Beau. "Wherever we're going."

Beau chuckles. "We haven't even been in the car that long," he glances over at Mitch.

"Omegas can't sit still for this long. It's not my fault," Mitch pouts. He looks out the window and gasps when he sees that they're now in the neighborhood that Scott and Avi's pack lives in. "Are we seeing Alpha Scott?" He sits up and looks around. He claps excitedly when he finally sees Scott's house, but he frowns when they pass the house and drive into the house next door. "Alpha, why are we parked here?"

"We are seeing Alpha Scott. But, that's not the main reason why we're down here," Beau tells him. He smiles as he looks over at Mitch. "Welcome to our new home, Mitch."

"Our new- what?" Mitch's eyes widen as he looks over at Beau with wide eyes. "Did you say...?"

"That's exactly what I said, sweetheart," Beau says. "I heard that you were missing everybody. Scott said we should move closer. Luckily for us, Scott's neighbors were just moving out. So, I bought the house."

Mitch gasps. "Are you serious, Alpha? This isn't some sick joke, is it?"

Beau laughs. "No, it's not a joke. Come on, we've got a house to see!"

Mitch giggles and hurriedly gets out of the car, and runs up to the house. "I can't believe we live here now! Does this mean that I'll get to see Alpha Scott everyday again?"

"You'll have to ask him that," Beau says as he unlocks the door and pushes it open.

Mitch excitedly runs into the house. He runs straight into the living room and he lets out a scream when he sees all of his friends, shouting 'Surprise!' at him. Mitch did not expect to find them all here.

Beau smiles as he walks beside Mitch, wrapping an arm around him.

Mitch gasps. "Alpha! I- you're all here?"

"Well, everybody except for Mason and Kevin. Mason is too pregnant to come over so Kevin offered to watch over him while we came over to surprise you and welcome you to the neighborhood," Scott says. "We're so happy you guys are here. I honestly can't believe you actually agreed to this."

"What? My Omega does so much for me and makes me so happy. I should do the same in return, and... if there's one thing I know about Mitchy, it's that he loves all of you guys," Beau says.

Mitch blushes, and then he quickly runs over and hugs every person in the room, thanking them.

"You haven't changed one bit," Kirstie giggles as she watches Mitch.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2018 ⏰

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