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It's October, which means Halloween is getting closer.

Mitch hasn't celebrated Halloween since he stayed with his family. Of course, Alpha Jacob never cared about the holidays. They didn't even celebrate Christmas. Mitch missed the holidays.

Kirstie is a big fan of Halloween. She loves wearing very festive clothes and watching festive movies, and she also loves baking treats with Kevin and decorating. Mitch can only imagine it's crazier at Christmas.

"Are we decorating today?" Mitch asks Beau excitedly.

Beau chuckles as he looks down at Mitch. "You're really excited, aren't you?"

"I haven't been able to celebrate Halloween in years. Of course I'm excited, Alpha!" Mitch grins.

"You're so cute," Beau leans over and gently kisses Mitch. "And yes, we are decorating. Scott and Kevin went to the store to get some more decorations, Kirstie requested we needed more."

Mitch giggles. "I've never seen someone so excited about Halloween before," he says.

"Well, Halloween does only happens once a year so I can understand her excitement," Beau says. "Where are the others? Do you happen know?"

"Mark and Mason are upstairs in their bedroom probably doing something I don't want to know, and Kirstie is watching movies. Kevin is with Alpha Scott," Mitch says. "I don't know how I know that."

Beau chuckles. "Like I said before, you're so cute,"

"But you say that every day," Mitch whines with a pout.

"And I'll keep saying it every day because it's the truth," Beau smirks. "Come on, let's go sit with Kirstie."

Mitch giggles, and follows Beau out of the kitchen and they go to the living room.

"Why am I not surprised?" Beau asks when he finds Kirstie watching a Halloween movie.

Kirstie looks up and smiles innocently when she sees Beau. "It's the month of October, so I'm taking every opportunity I am to feel Halloween-y, and that includes watching Halloween movies."

"Well, I'm sure Kevin and Scott will be back soon," Beau tells her, sitting down with Mitch.

Kirstie squeals excitedly. "Decorating is the best part of Halloween!"

Mitch smiles, happily listening as Kirstie goes on about Halloween, and everything that comes with it.

About two hours later, Scott finally comes home with Kevin. They picked Matt up on their way home. Kevin is grateful that Avi lives about twenty minutes away because he hates not being with Matt.

"Matt? Back so soon?" Beau chuckles when Matt walks into the kitchen.

Matt looks up and blushes. "Hope you don't mind? I just can't stay away for long..."

"Of course we don't mind. We love having you over," Beau assures him. "I'm basically in the same boat, and I understand not wanting to be away from your mate. I haven't been home in a month."

Matt smiles. "Good thing this house is big enough for all of us to fit!"

"Is Alpha home?"

Beau looks over and sees Mark standing in the doorway. "He's bringing stuff into the house,"

Mark gasps and excitedly runs over to the front door, just as Scott is walking up with bags in his hands.

"Hey, sweetheart-" Scott smiles, and then leans over and kisses him. "Mind taking these to the kitchen? They aren't heavy. We just have a lot of stuff."

"Yes, Alpha!" Mark grabs the bags from Scott and goes back to the kitchen.

"Hey, what are you doing with all those bags?" Beau asks when Mark walks into the kitchen.

"I'm helping Alpha," Mark smiles proudly at himself.

"And he gave you all of those bags?" Beau shakes his head, and then he walks over to Mark and he takes the bags from him and sits them on the table. "If he wanted help, he should have just asked."

"But, I-" Mark frowns as he watches Beau walk out of the kitchen. He huffs and walks out of the kitchen, walking right past Scott and heading to the living room to sit with the others.

"What's up with him?" Scott asks, raising his eyebrows as he looks over at Matt curiously.

Matt shrugs his shoulders. "I don't have a clue what just happened," he says.

Scott chuckles. "I'll ask about it later. I'm sure it's nothing," he says before setting the bags on the table. He looks over and smiles when he sees Kirstie walking excitedly into the kitchen.

"I see decorations!" Kirstie squeals excitedly. "Alpha, I'm so excited!"

"I know you are, Kit. Halloween is your favorite holiday, and... we only get to celebrate it once a year so why not go crazy?" Scott smiles. "Do you know what you're being for Halloween this year?"

"I have a few ideas, but I want it to be a surprise. Do you think Nicole will do my makeup?" Kirstie asks.

"I'm sure she will. I'll give her a call later and see what she says," Scott tells her. "You know Nicole loves doing makeup for Halloween. I can see why though. Halloween makeup is fun."

A little later, most of the pack is outside putting up decorations. Mark is inside, watching out the window. He wants to go outside but he can't stop thinking about what Beau said earlier.

"There you are,"

Mark jumps and looks over, relieved to see that it's only Scott.

"What are you doing in here? Everybody's outside, even Mason," Scott says, walking over to Mark.

Mark shrugs his shoulders, and looks back out the window, seeing Mason help hold the ladder for Kirstie as she helps with putting some of the lights up with Avi and Beau.

"Hey, come on. You know how I feel about that," Scott says softly, placing his hand on Mark's arm and turning him so that they were facing each other. "Will you talk to me? You've been quiet."

"I'm sorry Alpha," Mark mumbles. "I'm just being stupid."

"Don't say that. You're not stupid. I'm sure there's a valid reason," Scott says.

"It's just... Alpha Beau didn't want me helping earlier after you gave me the bags. He thinks I'm weak, and I know it's just because I'm an Omega," Mark says, looking up at Scott.

Scott frowns. "I'm sure he didn't mean it like that,"

"Alpha, I don't want to be a weak Omega. I-I don't mind cleaning and doing chores, but I want to be able to look after myself and stand up for myself when Alphas are gross," Mark says.

Scott chuckles, and leans forward to kiss Mark's forehead. "I understand where you're coming from, and... it's not the first time I've heard this. Some Omegas are different than each other. Mason has talked to me about this, so I'm not surprised that you feel the same way."

"Really? I didn't know Masey felt the same way. We usually talk to each other about everything,"

"It's a touchy subject. Most Alphas don't want their Omegas to be strong. They want them to be weak, and submissive. But, I won't force you to be like that if you don't want to be. We'll work on it,"

"I'm sorry, Alpha. I should have waited. I didn't want to ruin the mood. That's why I stayed inside,"

"Don't apologize for that, sweetheart. Come on now, let's go outside. Mason has been looking for you," Scott says. He wraps his arm around Mark's shoulder and leads the way outside.

Mason looks over at Mark and smiles when he sees Mark. "Marky! Come look at these lights!"

Mark looks up at Scott, and smiles when Scott gives him a nod, and then he rushes over to Mason.

Scott shakes his head and chuckles as he watches the Omegas.

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