twenty one

397 33 1

Saying goodbye to Alpha Scott and his pack is the hardest thing Mitch has ever done, but he knows that he truly belongs with Alpha Beau. He wants to be with Beau, and hopefully one day raise a family.

"We'll miss you Mitchy," Mark says as he hugs Mitch. "Promise you won't forget us?"

"That'll be impossible!" Mitch giggles and then hugs Mason. "Besides, I'll come over soon. I promise."

"Well, you have to anyways. We'll want you to meet the baby," Scott smiles as he leans against the wall.

"Baby?" Beau asks, turning to face Scott and tilting his head. "What are you talking about?"

Scott chuckles. "We just found out today. Mark is expecting our first child," he says with a smile.

Mitch gasps and looks back at Mark. "Oh my gosh!" He hugs Mark again. "Congratulations, Marky!"

"Thanks, Mitchy!" Mark pulls away and looks over at Mason. "We're so excited."

"It's what we've wanted for so long," Mason reaches over and grabs Mark's hand. "They'll be more room in the house now that you're leaving. No offense. Before, it was just too crowded."

"Wow. Congratulations, man. I'm happy for you," Beau smiles and hugs Scott. "The others?"

"Haven't told anyone else yet. But, we will," Scott nods.

"Well, we should get going. We've got some shopping to do," Beau picks up Mitch's bags.

"Alpha-" Mitch hesitates before he walks over to Scott. "I just wanted to say thank you. You didn't have to save me, but you did. Thanks to you I've met some amazing people and met an Alpha who really cares for me. I'm going to miss you so much." He flings his arms around Scott and hugs him tightly.

Scott chuckles as he hugs Mitch back. "Well, I wasn't going to leave an innocent Omega to die, was I?"

"No, Alpha. You're too kind and caring for that. I would have died if it weren't for you!"

Scott chuckles. "Alright, I don't want to make this moment depressing," he says.

"Come on, babe. And, thanks again for this, Scott. I know that this was really tough for you," Beau says, letting Mitch walk out of the house first. "I promise I'll take care of him."

"I know you will. I trust you, Beau," Scott says.

Beau smiles, relieved to finally hear those words coming from Scott's mouth. "See you soon," he says, before walking out of the house. He shuts the door and looks at Mitch. "Ready to start this adventure?"

Mitch smiles. "I've been ready!" He giggles, and then he follows Beau to his car. "I'm so excited, Alpha. We've been waiting for this to forever. I mean, I know it's only been a year. But, still. It feels like an eternity since we've met each other. I wish time would slow down a little."

"I know," Beau chuckles, and tosses Mitch's bags into the car gently. "But, it's still exciting."

"We'll have our own house. Maybe we could get a dog. One day, we'll have children!" Mitch exclaims.

Beau laughs. "Okay, let's not get too ahead of ourselves," he says. He looks over at Mitch and smiles, before leaning down and kissing him softly. "I love you, Mitch."

"I love you too, Alpha," Mitch smiles. "I'm so glad to finally be yours."

After Mitch and Beau leave, Scott gathers everyone in the living room.

"Wow. Even with this many people, it somehow seems even quieter with Mitch not here," Scott says.

"Alpha, you're going to make me sad," Kirstie whines. "I miss Mitch. Who am I going to watch all of my Disney movies with?" She pouts and crosses her arms against her chest.

"I'll watch Disney movies with you Kit," Kevin says as he gives her a smile.

Kirstie looks up at Kevin and smiles. "Thanks Kevy!"

"Guys," Scott laughs. "We need to talk about something important."

Mason looks at Mark and sees the nervousness on his face. He reaches over and grabs Mark's hand, holding onto it tightly, before looking back over at their Alpha.

"So, Mitch may have left... but that doesn't mean the house will have less people from here on out,"

"What does that mean, Sir?" Kevin asks curiously.

"It means," Scott glances over at his two Omegas for a second. "That, Mark is expecting..."

Kirstie gasps and looks over at Mark. "Oh my gosh! Wait, really? You're having a baby?"

Mark nods. "Yeah. We are," he replies. "It's still early. But... in just a few months."

Kevin smiles as he looks over at Mark. "I had a feeling! You've all been acting weird lately. Congratulations, Mark! This must be so exciting for you all."

Mark blushes. "Thank you, Kevin. We've been trying really hard to keep it a secret from everybody because we wanted to wait for the right time. It was very hard not saying anything," he says.

"Perfect timing, huh? Mitch leaves, and another one comes in..." Kevin chuckles.

"Yes. Which leads me to another point..." Scott turns and looks at Kirstie. "I know you've been wanting an Alpha. Trust me, I've been listening. We just haven't had the time to be able to find you one with Mitch coming into the pack and a bunch of other stuff happening too. But, Avi has agreed to take you in and look after you since I want be paying as much attention to you with the baby."

"Really? Does this mean I'll be going to live with him and Esther?" Kirstie asks.

"And Matt," Scott adds.

"I'm jealous," Kevin pouts. "Alpha, we've been meaning to talk to you about that..."

"I have a feeling I know what you're going to say. We can talk about it later," Scott tells him.

Mark frowns. "Our pack is separating. I... I don't like it," he says.

"But, it'll be for the best," Mason adds as he looks over at Mark. "Kirstie needs her own Alpha just like Mitch needed to be with Alpha Beau. Kevin and Matt deserve to be together too. Alpha Scott has done a great job at getting everyone where they needed to be."

"Thank you Mason," Scott smiles at the kind words.

"So, when are all these changes happening?" Kevin asks.

"We're still working on it. I have to talk to Avi about a lot of stuff too," Scott says.

"Kevin, you aren't in a hurry to leave, are you?" Mark pouts.

Kevin laughs. "Of course not. I love my pack," he says. "I'm a Beta. You know me."

"Yeah, and the best damn Beta around. No offense to Matt," Scott smirks.

Kevin smiles. "Thank you, Sir," he says.

"I'm ready to relax-" Scott walks over to Mark and Mason and sits between them. "It's been a long day."

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