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A year has passed since Mitch has joined Scott's pack. He's been settling in nicely.

Mitch gets along with all the other Omegas. He's found a lifetime best friend in Kirstie, and he enjoys spending time with Mark and Mason. But mostly, he loves spending time with his Alpha.

Beau doesn't permanently live with Scott's pack though so Mitch doesn't get to see him as much as he would like to. Mitch is been too scared about talking to Alpha Scott about moving with Beau. Beau tells Mitch they shouldn't rush into anything. They've only been together for about a year, anyways. Mitch just finds it frustrating that he doesn't get to see his Alpha all the time like Mark and Mason do.

"Is it bedtime, yet?" Scott asks, groaning as he rubs his forehead.

Kevin chuckles as he looks over at Scott, their Lead Alpha. "Not quite. We still have to have dinner. Perhaps we should go out to eat. It'll give a chance for everyone to cool down,"

Scott looks up at Kevin before sighing. "I love you Kevin, and normally I go with your ideas, because Betas know what they're talking about. But, they've been bouncing off the walls all damn day. Going out for dinner could end in total disaster. I'm not sure I want to put up with that."

"Well, perhaps you should bribe them. If they behave at dinner, then you'll reward them," Kevin shrugs. "I'm willing to cook dinner but I just think the Omegas need to be out of the house for a little while."

"Okay, okay. Fine. We'll go out for dinner,"

"We're going out for dinner?"

Scott blinks a few times as he looks over, and sees Mitch standing in the doorway of the kitchen. "Um, well... yes, it appears that we are going out for dinner," he stands up from the chair he's been sitting on. "Can you do me a favor?" He walks over to Mitch and looks down at him.

Mitch gasps. "Yes, yes, yes. I'll do anything for you, Alpha!" He grins up at the Alpha.

Scott chuckles at the Omega, loving how Mitch is always the one willing to do more work. The other Omegas like to play more than work. Scott doesn't mind this normally, because he has Kevin to help him. But, a little extra help is always good. "Thank you, Mitch. Now, I need you to gather the other Omegas and get them to the living room. Can you do that for me?" He asks. "Are Mark and Mason together?"

"Yes, Sir. They're always together. It's disgusting," Mitch rolls his eyes.

Scott can't help but laugh. "Oh, hush. Go get the Omegas for me," he says, ruffling Mitch's hair.

Mitch whines and quickly fixes his hair before running off to get his Omega friends.

Kevin raises his eyebrows as he looks over at Scott. "I still can't believe how many Omegas we have, with only one Beta and one Alpha. You're very brave for stepping up and taking all that responsibility."

"Hah. Thanks. I truly never thought I would end up with four Omegas to take care of. It just started with Mark and Mason. They're my Omegas. They were together when I met them and I just... fell in love with both of them, and they couldn't be separated anyways. Then, I saw Kirstie and Mitch in terrible situations and I needed to save them. It's a big pack, but I wouldn't change it for the world, y'know?" Scott smiles.

Kevin smiles. "Ooh! Speaking of, we should invite Avi's pack, and Beau as well. Mitch will like to see him, and I haven't been able to see Matt in a couple of weeks. It would be nice to have them around again."

"Ah, you're right. I'll give them a call right now,"

After calling Avi and him agreeing to go out for dinner, Scott manages to get all the Omegas plus Kevin settled down in the living room so he could talk to them calmly, and not having to yell over them like usual.

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