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A/N: apologies it took so long to get this chapter out
votes/comments are much appreciated :)


Mike and Nel end up staying for a couple of days. Nothing terrible goes wrong, although there were definitely a few mishaps, but nothing that made Mike question Scott's ability to look after Mitch.

"We should be getting home today," Mike tells Scott. "We've loved staying here though."

"Will you, um... will you be taking Mitch home with you?" Scott asks nervously.

Mike looks up at Scott. "I think you've proven to us that you're worthy of looking after Mitch," he says. "And, we can tell that Mitch is very happy in this pack here. We wouldn't want to take that away from him, after everything he went through with his old Alpha."

Scott smiles, feeling relieved to hear this news. He didn't want Mitch to leave, and neither did the rest of his pack. They've grown to love Mitch and have enjoyed his company.

"Thank you so much, Sir. This means a lot to all of us, and especially Mitch," Scott says.

"Oh, please. You do not need to call me Sir. I think Mike is fine," Mike says. "I need to start packing."

"Don't hesitate to ask if you need any help," Scott says before Mike walks away. He takes a deep breath and then he rushes to the living room to tell the rest of the pack the good news about Mitch.

"Alpha, are you alright?" Mark asks when Scott rushes into the living room.

"Everybody is here?" Scott asks, looking around. "Great. Mitch-" He turns and looks at Mitch, who's sitting on the couch beside Beau. "I just spoke to your father. He said you can stay!"

Mitch gasps and sits up. "Really? I-I don't have to leave?"

Scott smiles and nods. "No, you get to stay here with us. I just want to say how proud I am of everyone. The past few days have been really stressful, but everybody kept it together," he says. "And also to add, everybody was on their best behavior. Once Mitch's parents leave, I think we should all go out to celebrate Mitch staying. I think we all need to get out of the house anyways."

"When will Mitch's parents be leaving, do you know, Sir?" Kevin asks curiously.

"Sometime today, probably in the next couple of hours. They're packing now," Scott tells him.

Mitch gasps and looks over at Beau. "Alpha! I get to stay!" He squeals excitedly and hugs Beau.

"That makes me so happy," Beau smiles and kisses Mitch gently, causing Mitch to blush. "I just got you, and I wasn't ready to lose you so soon. Thank God your father changed his mind."

Mitch giggles and hugs Beau again, resting his head on Beau's chest.

An hour later, Mike and Nel bid their goodbyes to Mitch and the rest of the pack. Mitch is sad that his parents are leaving, especially knowing that they live so far away. But, he's glad that he gets to stay here, and he's apart of an official pack. Before, it was really just him and Jacob.

"I promise I'll call you this time. Alpha Jacob didn't let me before-" Mitch tells his parents.

"That's alright, Mitch. We don't blame you now that we know that truth about that terrible Alpha," Nel says. "We're happy that you will be staying with someone who will be taking care of you this time."

"And, you're sure you're going to be able to take care of four Omegas?" Mike asks, turning to Scott.

"I've been doing it for two months already. Mitch won't be any problem," Scott assures Mike. "Besides, Beau will be around a lot more to help me which makes things less stressful around here."

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