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Mitch has been staying with the pack for a week now. He's been settling in nicely. He's been getting to know all the other Omegas more. He likes hanging out with Kirstie. Mark and Mason are always together so he doesn't hang out with them as much, but at least they're being nicer to him.

"Alpha? I think we're running low on groceries," Kevin says after looking through the cabinets, before looking over at Scott, who's sitting at the kitchen table.

Scott looks up from doing the bills and frowns at Kevin. "Are you sure?"

"I mean, we have some stuff. Not enough for a full meal though," Kevin says.

Scott sighs as he leans back. "Food goes fast around here with four Omegas to look after," he mumbles, and then groans. "Shit. Looks like we're gonna have to take a quick trip to the grocery store."

"Can we go with you?"

Scott looks over and chuckles when he sees Mark and Mason at the doorway.

"I guess so. I'm not sure I want to take everybody. Kev, can you stay here with Kit?" Scott asks.

Kevin looks at Scott surprised. "Really, Sir?" He asks, as Scott's never asked him to stay home with one of the Omegas before. Scott never wants the Omegas to be by themselves without an Alpha, just for safety reasons. Kevin's never been upset by it, he understands it. He knows that he's not the strongest and probably wouldn't be able to protect the Omegas if something happened while Scott was away. "You're trusting me to stay home with Kirstie?"

"Of course," Scott stands up. "I would trust you with my whole life. I know you'd be able to handle it, it's you who doesn't trust yourself. And, if things go well... I'll let the Omegas stay home with you more often. It would take a lot of stress off my shoulders if I didn't have to constantly watch the Omegas all the time."

"Thank you, Sir. I promise you won't regret it. I just wish you didn't have to worry so much," Kevin says.

"Me too. But those fucking Alphas can't be trusted not to break into our house to steal the Omegas. Shit, sorry. Don't repeat any of those swear words I said," Scott looks over at the two Omegas with wide eyes.

Mark giggles, and then he grabs Mason to go put on their shoes.

"Kevin, make a list of everything we need while I get the Omegas ready," Scott says before walking out of the kitchen. He finds Kirstie and Mitch doing a puzzle together in the living room, with the Frozen soundtrack playing quietly in the background, though Scott's not surprised about that part.

"Hey guys," Scott says, finally getting their attention. "Mitch, I need you to get your shoes on."

"How come, Alpha Scott?" Mitch asks as he pushes himself up.

"I'm taking you and the boys to the groceries. Kit, you're staying here with Kevin, okay?" Scott tells her.

"How come we're not going?" Kirstie asks curiously.

"It's just going to be a quick trip, and I don't want to take everybody. Please be on your best behavior for Kevin. I know you will, but just in case. It's his first time watching one of you by himself," Scott says.

"I promise I'll be good!" Kirstie smiles.

"Thank you. Perhaps I'll bring you back something if Kevin tells me you were," Scott smiles. "Come on, Mitch. I wanna get going before it gets too late." He helps Mitch up from the floor.

Mark and Mason are already finished putting on their shoes.

Scott goes to get the grocery list from Kevin while Mitch goes to put on his shoes. Scott comes back, and he finds the three Omegas waiting for him by the door. "Ready to go, Omegas?"

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