twenty five

359 32 3

"By the way, Mark told me about what you said about picking him over you for the pregnancy,"

Mason groans and sinks down into the couch, covering his face. "I was not prepared for this, Alpha!"

Scott chuckles, and he carefully pulls Mason back up. "Now, now. You're not in trouble or anything. I just wanted to say that this will not be the only time we have children. I've always wanted a big family."

"What do you mean?" Mason asks, blinking a few times as he looks up at Scott.

"I mean," Scott sighs softly. "If it's okay with Mark, next time... we can have you carry the children."

Mason's eyes widen, shocked to hear his Alpha say that. "Alpha, I..."

"It's okay with me," Mark smiles and leans against Mason. "I think it would nice. Mason has been talking about having children for the longest of time. So, it's only fair that he gets to experience a pregnancy."

"Alpha," Mason's eyes begin to water up. "This is supposed to be your birthday party. Why am I crying?" He quickly rubs at his eyes, only to have Scott grab his hands and kiss him gently.

"That's right. It's my party, but nothing makes me happier than seeing my Omegas happy,"

"Wow. Your parents are stubborn. Has anyone ever told you that, Scott?"

Scott looks up and sees Avi walking back into the living room with Kevin. "Are they gone?"

"Yes. They were not thrilled about being kicked out," Kevin says. "There shouldn't be anymore problems."

Mark frowns. "Your parents were here?" He scoots closer to Mason.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. I had Avi and Kevin get rid of them. They are not going near you or Mason. That's something that I'll always make sure of," Scott assures him.

Mark takes a deep breath and nods. "Alpha Hoying scares me," he mumbles.

"How about we open some presents?" Kevin suggests, wanting to lighten the mood.

Halfway through opening presents, Scott finally gets to Kevin and Matt's present.

"Another card?" Scott asks curiously as he holds the envelope in his hands, raising his eyebrows as he looks up at the couple. "I mean, I'm not complaining..."

"Shut up and open the damn present, Hoying," Avi snaps.

"Alright, alright-" Scott mumbles before opening the envelope. He blinks a few times when he sees that it's plane tickets, three of them. "What is this?" He looks up at Matt and Kevin.

Kevin smiles, leaning against Matt. "It was a group effort, Avi helped as well. We know it's been awhile since you've been able to take a vacation. Now that you don't have four Omegas to look after, we thought that we would get you plane tickets. You can use them for anywhere. It would be better to use them now while Mark is still early in his pregnancy. That's just my suggestion," he explains.

"Wha-?" Scott's speechless as he stares at the plane tickets. "Guys, you didn't have to..."

"Yes, we did. We wanted to," Matt speaks up. "We hope you enjoy them."

Mark gasps excitedly. "Alpha, can we go to Disney World?" He blushes when a few people laugh.

Scott chuckles. "Well, it looks like we're going to Disney World," he says, looking up at Mark.

"He's speechless! I told you!" Kevin grins, and then he high fives Matt.

"Wow. This has truly been an amazing birthday. Thank you guys," Scott smiles, looking at his friends.

"Alright, let's not start getting sappy, old man," Avi says, obviously joking.

"Don't start with that old man shit, Avriel. You're older than me," Scott argues, glaring at Avi.

"Language!" Kevin warns, glaring at the Alpha. "There are Omegas present, Sir."

"My apologies," Scott chuckles and shakes his head.

"Besides, you need to work on your swearing anyways. There's going to be a baby here in a few months, and you shouldn't swear around babies," Kevin adds.

"Why? Babies can't understand what you're saying anyways," Scott argues.

"Alpha," Mark warns. "Kevin's right. I don't want there to be any swearing around the little one."

Scott rolls his eyes. "Oh, whatever," he wraps his arms around Mason and pulls him closer.

"I hope you had a good birthday, Alpha," Mason mumbles as he snuggles into Scott's chest.

Scott smiles as he looks down at the Omega. "Of course I did. I'm surrounded by all of my close friends, people who care about me, and most importantly... my Omegas," he says, kissing Mason's forehead.

"Just think, for your next birthday... you'll have a little baby running around," Mark grins.

"Fuck, I can't wait," Scott smiles, and Mark can't even get upset with Scott for swearing after they just had a conversation about it. He loves seeing his Alpha so happy and excited about their future.

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